Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My girl wants a huge dick

This is turning into a Woody Allen movie: A neurotic guy drives his girlfriend crazy over his obsession with a ketchup bottle.

Good thing she didn’t have one of Plochman’s mustard bottles that are shaped like little barrels to choose from.

Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgh! ~Howard Dean Illustrations & Diagrams PE -- What's it all about? Read this.

Yeah sparky91 I think I’m going to take your advise and not tell her about my PE for a while. If she says something about my dick getting bigger I’ll just respond appropriately. But I’m not going to just talk about just for the sake of it. And I’m definitely not going to give her a future size that I will be either. I’m going to just let it happen and see where it takes me.

I think I have all the info that I’m going to need from my girl anyways. I ask her questions to see where her TRUE ideal size is. If I take her real ideal size and then take my ideal size I can get a average of what I really need. Lucky for me my girl is open about these conversions and easy to talk to.

Last night I found out the truth about my girlfriends past with other men. To be fair to her I ask her the questions and I wanted her to answer the questions honestly. I wanted to know how much bigger some of the guys were that came before me. In the past she has told me that I not the longest or thickess that she has ever been with (I asked her that too).

While looking at a ruler, she told me that the guy that was longer than me was about 1 1/2” inches longer (I’m 7.5”BP), but he has less girth than me (I’m 5.5” EG). And the guy that was thicker than me was way too wide for her. She said that for the life of her she couldn’t get her thumb to touch any of her fingers while she was holding it. She said that killed her just to get it in her mouth. I could have died when she told me that. I asked her compared to a glass ketchup bottle how much smaller was it that that. She said not a lot.

Damn can you imagne having a dick where the girth is a little bit smaller than a ketchup bottle. I asked her too imagine that she was holding his dick and to cup her fingers exactly how they were then. Then I told her to measure the distance between her thumb and her pointy finger. She said the space in between her thumb and fingers was 2”. I figured that his girth has to be between 6 1/2 to 7 inches, but the funny thing is he is shorter in length than me. She said he was about 1/2 to 1 inch shorter (keep in mind she was looking at a ruler while telling me).

I’m not going to let this get to me its just amazing how I get the girl who has seen a 9 inch BP dick and another dick that about 6 1/2 to 7 inches in girth. She knows I PE and told me last night that when I can fit a XL Magnum condom that I should quit and get no bigger. At first I was going to listen but now hell no. I will get every tiny bit of size that I can get. If I can get to 9” BP and 6.25” EG I will be happy. This is my final future goal size.

Originally Posted by mckmas8808
I’m not going to let this get to me

It already has. Never compare yourself to her past boyfriends. She is with you for a reason. I’m with a girl right now that had a supposed 11 and 1/2 inch penis and she says I’m huge and that I’m the best penis she’s ever been with. 11 1/2 was too big. My 8.5 x 6.35 is what she wants, so I don’t bug out about it. Just keep PEing and don’t think about it anymore.

Hey xlmagnum let me ask you a question. I just read a thread that you started with your exercises. What was your starting size? And do you think that it’s the vitamins that you take that allows your dick to recover quickly? Because what you do is really intense.

Damn I’ll give alot to have you size. My life long goal is to be 9 NBP X 6.5” EG. My short term goal (within a year) is 8 NBP X 6”EG. Right now I’m 7 NBP X 5.5” EG. So I know I’m starting out above average I just want a little more you know what I mean?

Mckmas, it already gt to you like he said, by your comment of I could of just died when she told you that. I don’t know why you want to know. Your goal was 9nbp x 6.5 prprobablyefore she told you and probably still is same, so what it really necessary?

Originally Posted by mckmas8808
Naw I don’t always carry a measuring tape with me I’ve just been planning something like this out for the past two weeks. Need a goal and the goal is whatever the misses wants so I had to ask her the question. I think your right getting hit with a 7 inch thick dick would be hard on her. She says that she loves what I got now, but could handle more.

Check it out guys I forgot to tell you that when we had sex for the first time since I’ve been Peing She instantly notice a difference and said “damn [my name] it feels like your getting kinda big down there”. My routine consiste of pumping and jelqing. At the time I was about 5.5 inches thick.

Of course she can handle more: she can easily make a baby pass through her vagina.! I also think she tried inserting every kind of size vibes and fruits.! I certainly would have. I think we may be able to impress ourselves with our dicks but girls, they have tried every size.

Sorry just skipped through pages 3-9. Ill assume the thread has kept the same tone.

FOR THE FUCKING LIFE OF ME, I just CANNOT work out why you guys talk about dick size to your girlfriends! What good could come out of this? Seriously?
Would any answer suffice? She says your “perfect” and “big enough” and you guys might think “yeah right, she’s just saying this to make me happy!”

Then if the bitch says “you could be a little thicker” or whatever wording she uses, you think “fuck, I have some work to do here!”

Not healthy, not one bit! Mckmas; You don’t have a clue what you want, neither does your girlfriend. Your doing PE for the wrong reasons my man! I’m doing this for a bigger dick for myself. My girl, either the one now, or the one in the future, is the beneficiary of this. That is all.

Gain for yourself first, your bitch second. Here here!


Originally Posted by xlmagnum

It already has. Never compare yourself to her past boyfriends. She is with you for a reason. I’m with a girl right now that had a supposed 11 and 1/2 inch penis and she says I’m huge and that I’m the best penis she’s ever been with. 11 1/2 was too big. My 8.5 x 6.35 is what she wants, so I don’t bug out about it. Just keep PEing and don’t think about it anymore.

Fuck that is huge! When did she have it removed? :)


Ok I haven’t read this whole thread but some of you guys are crazy, telling this guy to dump his girl, and this seems to be a common response here. Girls are alot more interested in the way you make them feel touching them in places besides their vaginal walls during sex, and all girls have funny, uninformed chats about dicks. And sex is only one part of a relationship. As an example, I have a girl in my past I can’t seem to get over, but since her I have had plenty of better sex with prettier girls and it didnt matter, she is still the best there is in my mind. I am as bitter towards women as the next guy, but telling a guy to dump his girl because she answered a question he asked her is insane. We are all here playing into the same game that girls are when they talk about big dicks, so we really cant point fingers.

Without reading the other posts…

Originally Posted by mckmas8808
Guess what a King Kong Dick is? The size of the glass Heinz ketchup bottle. She told me that 2 of her friends actually experienced sex with a guy that was the same size of this bottle, which is approximately 7 and a half inches thick. She said that when the girls told all the other girls (about 7 of them) about these King Kong guys they’re mouths hit the floor in amazement. Then they all laughed and called the guys Superdicks.

No offense, but HAHAHA you’re fucked…

The only person here who even got close to 7.5 inches is aristocane (7 inches EG), and it took him over two years to get to this point.

But hey she could be bullshitting after all. Unless she’s actually used a dildo with 7.5 inch girth, you shouldn’t get overly upset about it.

I’m also surprised you gained that much girth so fast. I’m 8 weeks in and hadn’t really gained yet.

This is fucking nuts.

I think you brought it on yourself though. You expected her to give you some ridiculous size, subconsciously and she subconsciously picked up on it. Pretty basic psychology. I don’t know why guys do this. Women can smell insecurity, and it is not an attractive trait.

No good can come of such a discussion. Might as well ask her to kick you in the nuts and get your all your buddies and your dad to run a train on her while you jerk off into a snapple bottle. That’s where this sort of thing leads.

“No good can come of such a discussion.”


By all means, NEVER, accept a Snapple from an Insane_Man.

"Debate the idea..."

Loooooooooooooooooool :loll:

Damn, that’s a shallow girl with unrealistic expectations

You’re already pretty big at your starting size, if she’s not happy with that, move on to someone who is. Remember PE is for YOU, not her

Sex – diet – activity. Primitive man had sex with real women, he did not fap to porn. Primitive man ate a healthy diet, he did not have candy and soda. Primitive man killed animals with his bare hands, he did not play video games.


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