Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My girl wants a huge dick

Originally Posted by mckmas8808

Her friends then asks her “so how does it feel when you know, you and [my name] have sex”. My girl answers it feels great and talks to her about how orgasms feel because her friend has never had one. While that’s not really a problem it would just be nice to have my girl tell her friends about my size. You know if a guy has a nice job she quickly tells her friends, if a guy has a nice car she quickly tells her friends, if a guy has a nice house or apartment she quickly tells her friends you know what I’m saying. It would have been nice if she said “oh yeah [my name] has a big dick too but he’s gentle and know how to use it so no it doesn’t always have to hurt”. You understand I don’t think I’m asking for too much do you?

What do you guys think?

I’m not sure what you meant and are asking? Are you saying it’s not asking too much to want to be big so she will say that, or are you saying you think she should say that anyway to build you up to her friend?

Originally Posted by mckmas8808
My girl said something last night that quickly made me want to PE right then and there.. Has that ever happened to you guys, where your girl says something and the first thing you think about is “Damn I need to make my dick bigger? Just thought I ask.

What we were talking about was her female friend was talking to her about sex and said that she doesn’t have a lot of experience. She told my girlfriend that the first couple of times she had sex it hurt really bad, the guy wasn’t gentle, and that the guy had a HUGE dick. She said because of this one huge guy she never wants to have sex again if it always feels like this. Now why do I have to have a girlfriend whose friend’s boyfriends are huge. It seems like almost every man that her friends sleep with have huge dicks. And by the way her friends describe their size they have to be at least 7 inches long nbp X 6 inches thick.

I mean can a brother get a break. If all her friend’s boyfriends have huge cocks that would mean that I would have to be at least 7 ½” inches long nbp X 6 ¼ inches thick just to start being bigger than them. I will admit what some guys here are scared to say. I WANT A BIGGER DICK THAN ALL HER FRIEND’S BOYFRIENDS. Sorry for the caps I just want everybody to know that I’m serious.

Her friends then asks her “so how does it feel when you know, you and [my name] have sex”. My girl answers it feels great and talks to her about how orgasms feel because her friend has never had one. While that’s not really a problem it would just be nice to have my girl tell her friends about my size. You know if a guy has a nice job she quickly tells her friends, if a guy has a nice car she quickly tells her friends, if a guy has a nice house or apartment she quickly tells her friends you know what I’m saying. It would have been nice if she said “oh yeah [my name] has a big dick too but he’s gentle and know how to use it so no it doesn’t always have to hurt”. You understand I don’t think I’m asking for too much do you?

What do you guys think?

I’d suggest that you re-read your own post and think about it. First, if they are saying that every dick they come across is huge, has it ever occured to you that they think average dicks are huge? There is a much better chance that this is the situation. Even if they are measruing, they are probably measuring wrong (bottom side, fromt he balls, etc.) Second, you are giving your girl orgasms - something her friends aren’t getting. At a certain point, they are going to become interested in the idea of actually getting off, rather than bragging about the apparently useless feature that their current beau is sporting. Please realize that “I GET HER OFF BETTER THAN FRIEND’S BOYFRIENDS” is a lot more solid ground than “I WANT A BIGGER DICK THAN ALL HER FRIEND’S BOYFRIENDS.”

I hear you thenatural and you make an excellent point with your last post. I totally agree that getting your girl off should and pretty much does with most girls hold more weight than having a bigger penis. But my thing is well what if that guy with a bigger penis than me starts to get his girl off because they talk and he learns to take his time. I know within the week she will be telling my girl “you remember when I was telling you about my boyfriend and how much it hurt, well I had an orgasm for the first time last night.”

As soon as that happens not only does he get his girl off, but he also has a bigger dick than me which my girl will know because her friend will tell her how big he is. This will result in one of two things.

a) My girl will say to herself my man gets me off too. His dick is right for me so I don’t care if my friend’s boyfriend’s dick is huge and fills her up well.


b) My girl will say to herself my man gets me off too, but damn it would be nice if he had a bigger dick like my friend’s boyfriend to fill me up more.

Now I’m not worried that she will cheat on me I just want her to be totally happy with my love making and dick size.

And to beenthere the answer is yes to your first question. I want her to really think that my dick is huge so she can tell all her friends. I want to get that damn I wish I could be with you look from her friends. I won’t ever cheat on my girl I just want that look you know what I mean?

Yes, I know exactly what you mean as I feel the same way. Many of us do, some more so than others.

Originally Posted by mckmas8808
a) My girl will say to herself my man gets me off too. His dick is right for me so I don’t care if my friend’s boyfriend’s dick is huge and fills her up well.


b) My girl will say to herself my man gets me off too, but damn it would be nice if he had a bigger dick like my friend’s boyfriend to fill me up more.

Now I’m not worried that she will cheat on me I just want her to be totally happy with my love making and dick size.

You are forgetting about the jealousy quotient. Women, for the most part, when they are not happy, like to have their friends not happy. I.E., if your girl’s friend is hearing about what good sex you guys have, or what a good person you are, and she don’t have that, she will most likely say some off color comment or make a ploy at jealousy or relationship ruining. Bitches are evil like that. I’ve had it happen to me. Women before they mature fully, listen to other women, without seeing that other woman’s ulterior motives. Bitches get jealous, and when they do, they plot and connive and slash and burn, especially when it comes to men. They would rather see 2 unhappy women than one unhappy, and one very happy woman. If this girl was a true friend of your girl’s, she would not say dumb shit like that.

Understand that women like big hard dicks.
Understand that jealous women could be the biggest thorn in your relationship by filling your girl’s head with crap.
Understand that staying with PE, exercising, staying funny, witty, and unpredictable is the whole package of what is sexy.
Understand that sometimes with women, you shouldn’t be so nice. When dick size, or other men come up, bitches push buttons.
Understand that being a good boyfriend means checking your woman on her bullshit when necessary.
Understand that doing/knowing all of the above is the best you can do, and if the best ain’t good enough, it’s not your fault.

Formerly known as Sex&Guns. R.I.P.

I can’t argue with you Sex&Guns. I can’t argue with you at all. I agree with what you are saying because my girl told me that her friend just adores our relationship. Her friend says that we are the be couple overall that she has ever seen in her life. She says that she never seen a couple interact like me and my girl.

She said that we have great chemistry. She said her relationship is nothing like that it’s just, hey how you doing, lets talk for 10 minutes, now lets fuck, and bye I love you and have a nice day. Nothing like me and my girl.

Originally Posted by Sex&Guns

Understand that being a good boyfriend means checking your woman on her bullshit when necessary.

Truer words haven’t been spoken. LOL!

Stats: (10/24/04) : BPEL-7.25", EG-5.5" (01/22/07) : BPEL-7.6", EG-5.6" after 1 year of maintenance

Goal: 8.5" L x 6.5" G


Did you ever run into that guy who c-blocked you at that college? :D

Formerly known as Sex&Guns. R.I.P.

What does c-blocked mean?

Something that I’m glad has never happened to me. It’s when you and the female are going to have sex and wham somebody, some kind of way stops (thus the word block) you from having sex. Its very mentally frustrating.

ROFLMAO penismith,

Thanks for explaining guys.

Where is Women’s Shoe Salesman on that list though?? That person has to be at least in the bottom 5. =)

Originally Posted by phreakk
Where is Women’s Shoe Salesman on that list though?? That person has to be at least in the bottom 5. =)

Yea, your right. I have to put my shit in the closet in the guest room because my wife needs 20 cubic friggen feet for her shoes.

Most of which she only wears ONCE!!!


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