Thunder's Place

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my girth "gain" question.


My girth "gain" question.

Ok so I have been pe’ing for a few months now. Since Feb. But more consistently with a routine since April. I am 7 x 5. Looking to get 1 inch in length and 1 inch in girth, although sometimes with a super boner I can get up near 7.5 maybe a little less. Anyway, I’ve been noticing what I think is a slight change in my penis girth. Although it does not seem to show up when I measure. It is near the base. I usually do some light stetching and then some good jelqing for about 20-30 minutes and after every 5 mins or so I do a 30sec squeeze and such.

My question is this; it seems that my corpus spongisum (not sure if that is what it is) has seemed to increase in girth. The thing that runs on the underside of my cock, as opposed to the two that run along the right and left side, the corpus cavernosa. It doesnt appear that the cavernoas has increased in size, but I am almost certain the spongisum has. Especially towards the bass, as it tapers off the higher it runs. If my entire shaft could have that my girth would be great. Does this count as a girth gain? Or is it only “real” when the cavernosa are increased? Also, could I possibly bring the thickness of the spongisum father up my cock or is it just normally thicker towards the base. I think my base girth is somewhere near 5.5 which is GREAT for me. Just wish the rest of it would follow suit. Holla!

*thunder the first letter in the title of the thread is not capitalized in the forum I am not sure if this is against the rules but I tried to change it and it does not seem to work.

Last edited by Big Dainjerus : 06-01-2006 at .

I’m in the same exact boat as you. I have gained girth for the most part at the base in the exact same area as you. Most of this was gained initially from hanging and now seems to be growing with clamping also.

As far as it being “real”, of course it is, a gain is a gain.

I am experimenting with different methods of clamping to see if gains can be increased away from the base. Like you I would like to see a more uniformed size but I think much of it just has to do with genetics. Some guys have the baseball bat shape (larger at the end than the base), some like us have more of the rocket ship shape (larger at the base than the end). I do seem to be getting some gains in the glans from clamping but still early to tell what the end story will be.

Yeah, I prefer the rocket ship shape. I just wish my rocket ship could add a fuel tank or two.


I’m a newbie and I’d like to switch from pumping to clamping and I was wondering what everyone uses as a clamp?
I actually got surgical enlargement, length and width three years ago. If anyone wants to hear that circus act let me know. But now I just want to increase my girth. I’m 6.5 long and 5.75 girth.


I want to hear about it Jake.

Sorry guys, I’ve been out of the country for the last few weeks. About my enlargement surgery four years ago. Man I have so much to say. It was done by Dr. Rheinschild. And it’s quite a story. I have to go out for a few hours, but when I get back I’ll detail the whole thing. Talk to you soon


Sounds good we’ll wait to hear it. Big Dain if you get into clamping you should consider the ultimate clamp, the Air Clamp. I’ve just ordered one from Monty and I wait in anticipation. This looks a lot safer and with more ease.

Whats up Long G. How do I find out more about the air clamp?

Originally Posted by Big Dainjerus
Whats up Long G. How do I find out more about the air clamp?

I believe Monty sells them, and I refer to him as Monty, be he could be Monty***.

Originally Posted by links1979
I’m a newbie and I’d like to switch from pumping to clamping and I was wondering what everyone uses as a clamp?
I actually got surgical enlargement, length and width three years ago. If anyone wants to hear that circus act let me know. But now I just want to increase my girth. I’m 6.5 long and 5.75 girth.


Jake, you have no idea what you are asking or getting your self into. Clamping is an intense exercise and it is not for everybody. You say you are a newbie and I say don’t clamp just yet, cause you will injure yourself. Do what I have done. Start with the newbie routine for about 3 months and really condition your dick, then start the advanced exercises, after all, we are talking about your dick and mine means a lot to me. I wouldn’t want it to break. BREAK, that can happen when clamping believe it or not. One bad move…. Do what I am doing, customize your dick and take your time, cause that is all we have is time. Once you are conditioned, I will help you with the clamping. What do you say? Jake/inks1979

Originally Posted by Long Grass go to the products page.

Whats the difference between the air clamp and a pump? Would this be better than getting some cable clamps and starting clamping with those?


There’s few differences between the two. 1 is the price, I’ve always thought that a pump was a waste of money and effort, but that might just be me. 2nd is the size of them, being discrete is a lot harder. 3rd I’m not that fond of pumping air in a tube around my dick. There are other differences I’d assume, but I’m not a pumper so I really don’t know. Getting that last click with those clamps can make one explode in frustration (no pun intended). Plus with one easy “let go” you can have the air clamp off in a second from what I’ve read. Even though cable clamps are under $10 and this is $33 I would spend the extra moolah. Plus you wouldn’t need a wrap and could probably go beyond that last click on a normal clamp. Hopefully I’ll be getting mine soon and I’ll be more in depth.

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