Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My intro and goals to become HUNG.

My intro and goals to become HUNG.

Well here I am, without making this a marathon intro post I will explain who I am and what I will become.

I am in my early 20s 5’11” in college right now. My sex life has been all but non existent. I never felt like my body or my penis was ready or presentable to any girl I was attracted to. Self image issues have always held me back.

I understand I can mentally work on this issue too, but in the mean time I want to physically change myself. Recently I have decided to change this all in a “big” way.

About 6 months ago I started going to a gym. I started at a frail 147 lbs @ 15% body fat. All my numerous previous attempts to get fit/beefy failed; but this time it stuck. To my surprise here I am 7 months later at 179lbs @ 19% bf. I am thrilled with my progress and I am dedicated to getting much much stronger/muscular. Yeah I may be fairly high in fat (I’ll worry about that later), but what an amazing difference it feels like to walk around with an average build. I am no longer the smallest/weakest dude in the room. This alone has been a huge boost in my confidence.

I’m certainly no fitness model now, and my endeavor to get fit marches on. I’m working on still significantly gaining more lean mass in the next few years.

Which leads me to my penis. I’m changing the rest of my body, so why not improve my manhood too? I finally matured enough to get serious at the gym, time to get serious with PE.

Over the years I have ran across this site, but I simply did not believe in or think I had the patience for PE. Other reasons, I was just too shy to post/visit this kind site, I am past that fear now. I think men should not be ashamed of making himself bigger, to fulfill his desire to be massively hung.

If this all fails to make me bigger, I will at least have a better EQ, and an ability to edge. Right now my masturbation is a sad furious two mins of fury and stroking. This alone makes me hold off on dating. I would absolutely be ashamed of my sad sexual performance right now. I know I can make myself so much better.

My manhood stats now:

BPEL: 6 3/4” EG: 5 5/8”

I have a high erection angle (think 10:30) and an upward curve mid shaft (about 20*). I also have a slight left curve in my lower shaft (10*). I want to get rid of the left curve. And make my upward curve less prominent, to give me a more hung looking erection.

I have a very high LOT angle (9:30). So apparently I have quite a bit of lig stretch to do before I stretch other regions. (Although I have ran across other posts saying LOT is somewhat a relic of the past, since these forums are over 10 years old.) But it gives me encouragement thinking have a very large PE potential.

I am mostly looking to make my gains in length. I hate how fat and stubby my penis looks now.

Girth wise I am happy being 5 5/8” naturally, whatever girth comes with my length focused PE, I will take it.

My goals:

In 6 months gain a 1/2 inch in length.
BPEL: 7.25” EG: 5.75”

In 1 year gain one inch in length.
BPEL: 7.75” EG: 6”
Be able to edge and have multiple orgasms.

In 2 years gain two inches in length.
BPEL: 8.75” EG: 6.25”

In four years obtain a godly NBPEL 10” x 7” cock. Gotta shoot for the stars. I know I sound crazy.

Simply put I know I’ve got to become HUNG! I’ve wanted a cock that size for as long as I can remember. I will be the biggest dude that women will sleep with in their life. My female partners may care less about my size. This massive penis will be my personal encouragement. I know that if I know sub consciously I am the absolute most massive man she will see, I will have the courage to fuck like no tomorrow. I know being big alone won’t make me good, but it will give me the confidence to preform and feel liberated to be that good.

Ambitious I know. But I’d rather set the bar high for myself.

I plan to start with the newbie routine here, and really make sure I focus on manual stretching.

From reading about hanging, it sounds like I am a hanging kind of guy. But I will do the manual routine for a few months to get the knack of all this.

I can dedicate time for this. I have learned that I spend so much time playing computer games and watching TV. That time is now invested in myself. The time at the gym has been so rewarding, so the time spent doing PE should be just as good.

Thanks for reading and letting me be a part of this encouraging community. I’ve got crazy goals that I can only hope to achieve with your help and dedication.

Good for you on your physical accomplishment. With an attitude which you show here, you will reach your goals.


08-12-2014 BPEL 8.875, EGMS 6.6, EGB 7.25, EW 2.101, EV 30.331, FL 6.75, FG 5.6, Glans Girth 6.5p

Originally Posted by restored91
Good for you on your physical accomplishment. With an attitude which you show here, you will reach your goals.

Thank you!

I am serious now, I can feel it. I hope this enthusiasm sticks with me.

I realize my intro did become kinda lengthy. I hope that is why this thread kinda got a chirp chirp response.

I also realize and fully know my ultimate goal size is very impractical, I have many years before I get to that point I know, and I have time to think before then to settle on my final size goals. Right now I really want to push myself to that extreme. If people think I’m crazy, maybe I am.

Congrats on your physical accomplishment, I’m actually trying to do what you have set out to do. I’m hoping to gain the 30pounds I need and grow my penis while I have time lol.

You’re starting off pretty well! Good luck! Low self-esteem always held me back with being intimate with girls too.


Your goals are great and they reflect the will and dedication which are the most important factors in PE. I think you have understood it really is a long-term thing you are starting here. I wish you from my heart you will achieve your goals.

I just miss a simple goal: becoming a great lover. This is independent of dick size! It’s all about communication, experience and sensitivity towards your partner in bed. Having a monster dick (and 10x7 IS a monster!) is no orgasm warranty for women, unless you meet a rare and real size queen.

But the right (dirty) word in the right moment, the right touch, the right caress and your tongue doing astonishing things to her body will for sure make her take off like a New Years rocket - with a big boom! And not only once!

It may sound weird but there are so many willing women out there who dream of showing a young guy what good lovemaking really is all about. So get your lessons from a nice cougar and make both of you happy. Women have nothing against a little insecurity and shyness, in contrary, they love the role of the superior sex teacher. Try and find your teacher(s).

The porn industry gave us such a wrong image of what really good sex is all about. No feelings, no tenderness, only horny people going at it without pity. This CAN happen sometimes and is highly enjoyable, but mostly it DOES NOT! It’s much more about understanding a woman’s need and satisfy her emotional needs. If you get to this point, you almost certainly will come to the point where you can have great and wild and sometimes even very rough sex.

I know I sound like the proverbial post-emancipational wimp, but in my experience I respect women as the most beautiful creature I was given to enjoy the best moments in life. And I don’t want to spoil that. So no pick-up artist tricks, simply be honest, truthful and reliable. Then, and only then, you will have them coming back and ask for more, if you have been a great lover to them.

A big dick requires responsible handling, so the optimum is to become a great man, a great lover and a great personality at the rear end of that dick.

Edited: Good Lord, reading my own posting it’s like getting lectured from my own grandfather. But don’t we all wish our grandfathers would have told us that?

Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

Last edited by Richard65 : 01-02-2013 at . Reason: Tonality of the message :-)

Anyone who edits their posts for tone has to be a top bloke and no mistake.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I’m sorry to tell you but you have become fat/ter in the process, 19% is not beefing up it’s eating-up. Slim down and your unit will look bigger just because of that.

Your unit is already a decent size so don’t sweat it. Good luck and welcome.

Originally Posted by memento
Anyone who edits their posts for tone has to be a top bloke and no mistake.


You make me blush.
Stop that please!


Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

Originally Posted by Vikingwhore
I’m sorry to tell you but you have become fat/ter in the process, 19% is not beefing up it’s eating-up. Slim down and your unit will look bigger just because of that.

Your unit is already a decent size so don’t sweat it. Good luck and welcome.

I know, but I had to start somewhere, Working out and eating more, I ate more than I needed to. I gained weight, and yes a good portion of it was fat. I know loosing the fat weight will improve effective size for me.

Start 1/1/2013 BPEL: 6.75" MEG: 5.625"

3 month Goal 4/1/1012 BPEL: 7.00" MEG: 5.75"

Got2bHUNG's 4 year insane Goal 1/1/2017: NBPEL: 9" MEG 6.5"

Originally Posted by Richard65

I just miss a simple goal: becoming a great lover. This is independent of dick size! It’s all about communication, experience and sensitivity towards your partner in bed. Having a monster dick (and 10x7 IS a monster!) is no orgasm warranty for women, unless you meet a rare and real size queen.

I know I sound like the proverbial post-emancipational wimp, but in my experience I respect women as the most beautiful creature I was given to enjoy the best moments in life. And I don’t want to spoil that. So no pick-up artist tricks, simply be honest, truthful and reliable. Then, and only then, you will have them coming back and ask for more, if you have been a great lover to them.

A big dick requires responsible handling, so the optimum is to become a great man, a great lover and a great personality at the rear end of that dick.

I fully appreciate and understand your point. I know PE alone will not make me a good lover. PE is mostly going to be a gift to myself for my own self.

I’ve always been a kind/gentle guy, I will make sure to be a great man behind a great dick. All the parts of the puzzle have to come together. I understand.

Start 1/1/2013 BPEL: 6.75" MEG: 5.625"

3 month Goal 4/1/1012 BPEL: 7.00" MEG: 5.75"

Got2bHUNG's 4 year insane Goal 1/1/2017: NBPEL: 9" MEG 6.5"

Originally Posted by frankbunny
You’re starting off pretty well!


Start 1/1/2013 BPEL: 6.75" MEG: 5.625"

3 month Goal 4/1/1012 BPEL: 7.00" MEG: 5.75"

Got2bHUNG's 4 year insane Goal 1/1/2017: NBPEL: 9" MEG 6.5"

Well January was a bust. I trailed off my PE work after just 5 days. I got the flu and then really got back on track. Feb is my official reboot for my PE goals. I wish I had good news to report back with. I’m still dedicated to making this happen. I am so tired before bed and when I wake up. I need to find a better time to do PE.

Start 1/1/2013 BPEL: 6.75" MEG: 5.625"

3 month Goal 4/1/1012 BPEL: 7.00" MEG: 5.75"

Got2bHUNG's 4 year insane Goal 1/1/2017: NBPEL: 9" MEG 6.5"

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