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My ligs are sore, what do I do

My ligs are sore, what do I do

Do I stretch some more while they are fatigued, or do I give them a few days to rest?

Input needed fast!

How many days in a row have you been PE’ing?

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

I did a length-based manual stretching routine for 2 days, with a couple of low-weight hanging sets that didn’t really do anything for me.

Yesterday I didn’t do any PE, but later on in the day I got curious and did a 15-minute hanging set with 5 lbs.

Im not experienced but I would get in a nice warm bath for a little while then do very light fowfer. No stretching today.

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

Your a newbie and your hanging already?

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

I’m at my 3-month marker. I’m not seriously hanging, just experimenting really.

Perhaps you should stop experimenting and continue the newbie routine till the six month mark. 3 months is a drop in the bucket for PE conditioning in my opinion.

Mild soreness is normal. Hanging BTC I would feel soreness all the way into in my lower abdomen. But, ultimately it’s up to you. Only you can determine if you’re too sore to continue or not.

I would say that if you do continue and your soreness starts to get worse then give it a break.

Then (4.5 nbpel x 4.75 mseg)

Now (5.625 nbpel, x 5.25 mseg)

Originally Posted by Cock Kent
Perhaps you should stop experimenting and continue the newbie routine till the six month mark. 3 months is a drop in the bucket for PE conditioning in my opinion.

What do you mean by “a drop in the bucket?”

Also, would taking a month-long decon break right now, and then beginning the “NEW Newbie Routine” when I return, promote more newbie gains? In these 3 months, I’ve already seen a 1/2” length increase and a 1/4” girth increase.

I know that last question was off-topic from my first post, but I was just curious and was wondering if anyone had some input on it.

Originally Posted by eowdaoc
What do you mean by “a drop in the bucket?”

Also, would taking a month-long decon break right now, and then beginning the “NEW Newbie Routine” when I return, promote more newbie gains? In these 3 months, I’ve already seen a 1/2” length increase and a 1/4” girth increase.

I know that last question was off-topic from my first post, but I was just curious and was wondering if anyone had some input on it.

A drop in the bucket means it’s not much. Think of it like this, a drop in the bucket is a long way from filling it up. You should stay on the newbie routine as long as your seeing results. No decon break yet. A decon break is needed when you no longer feel sore from exercising.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

It means 3 months is a short period of time before experimenting with more advanced/other methods of PE.

Only you can answer to the second question. How do you feel? You said that your ligs are fatigued/sore. If this is the case then just take some days off. I think a month is too long unless you’re injured.

By the way, congratulations on your gains in just 3 months!

Originally Posted by Cock Kent
It means 3 months is a short period of time before experimenting with more advanced/other methods of PE.

Only you can answer to the second question. How do you feel? You said that your ligs are fatigued/sore. If this is the case then just take some days off. I think a month is too long unless you’re injured.

By the way, congratulations on your gains in just 3 months!

Hey, thanks :) . I guess you could maybe call me a fast gainer?

Yeah, I suppose I will take that advice. I’m going to the beach tomorrow to stay for 4 nights, I think that will be a good break.

If I haven’t gained any more length by January 1, 2009, I may either go for a decon break, begin hanging, or maybe both.

Thanks for the input guys ;)

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