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Should I stretch ligs if they are still sore?

Should I stretch ligs if they are still sore?

I describe the situation:
I stretch my ligs and they become fatigue
Next day I wake up and feel that they haven’t healed yet (they are still sore). So is it good stretching the sore ligs or bad? Should I always stretch the healed ligs?

What’s the technique of ligs’ stretches if there is any? Is there more effect when you stretch them without day offs?
Can somebody experienced advise me something, please? :)

Stretching while the ligs are in the fatigued state is good and normal. If you do not, they may adapt by becoming stronger, not longer.

I think that length exercises can and should be done everyday as long as there is no pain or safety concerns.


Thanks for the reply, SS4Jelq. I will keep it in mind

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