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My New Length Routine, Please Comment

My New Length Routine, Please Comment

My new routine that is focused just on length is,

Stretch - strait down - 30 secs
Down and to the left - 30 secs
Down and to the right - 30 secs

Inverted V-Stretch - 30 secs

Stretch - strait out - 30 secs
Out and to the left - 30 secs
Out and to the right - 30 secs

Inverted V-Stretch - 30 secs

Stretch - strait up - 30 secs
Up and to the left - 30 secs
Up and to the right - 30 secs

Inverted V-Stretch - 30 secs

Two way stretch - 30 secs

Grip mid shaft and under the head and pull from under the head in 4 directions - 30 secs each direction

Two way stretch - 30 secs

That’s it, please comment or criticise and tell me what I could add along with it for length.


Current - NBPEL 6.9" x EG Base 6.2"

BPEL 7.4"

Goal - NBPEL 8.5" x EG 6.5"

You’re hitting all the angles so that’s a good thing.
I wouldn’t worry about lot until much later like when you feel lig gains slowing.

I’ve heard good things about JAIs for increased length.

Planning on a warm-up?

Short-Term Goal: 10.25" BPEL

"Take it Slow and Watch it Grow"

Long-Term Goal: To Be Decided

Looks good Paul, keep us updated on your gains. Success :up: .

Oh yes, I forgot to add the warm up. Thanks for your positive feedback, but is there any more stretches or exercises that I can add to my routine?

Current - NBPEL 6.9" x EG Base 6.2"

BPEL 7.4"

Goal - NBPEL 8.5" x EG 6.5"

Originally Posted by paul.
Oh yes, I forgot to add the warm up. Thanks for your positive feedback, but is there any more stretches or exercises that I can add to my routine?

Amazing Isometrics would be a good idea, do a search for those.

What is a two-way stretch?

Also would this be a good routine for a new PEer? Or is it to advanced?

A two way stretch is one that you probably shouldn’t try if you are a beginner, but it is where you grab at the base with one hand and under the head with the other, pull out with the head hand and in towards the body with the base hand.

Also, as this routine has some advances stretches in it, it probably isn’t good for a new PEer, here is a good routine for someone new.

Newbie Routine
Newbie Penis Enlargement Routine

Current - NBPEL 6.9" x EG Base 6.2"

BPEL 7.4"

Goal - NBPEL 8.5" x EG 6.5"

Paul. - I’ve been going by the manuals Newbie Routine, just was wondering if it’d be alright to throw in some new stretches.The manuals just seem to.. ‘Boring’ I guess. I guess Ill wait a little longer then, don’t want to cause any damage. Thanks for the response.

Firstly, how long have you been doing the routine?

Current - NBPEL 6.9" x EG Base 6.2"

BPEL 7.4"

Goal - NBPEL 8.5" x EG 6.5"

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