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Need help with routine and length issue

Need help with routine and length issue

Okay I read a lot of the newbie info, but am totally confused as to the stretching part, should I be doing all those stretches?? Also I noticed that in the newbie routine it has one jelq. Isn’t jelq for increasing girth? I want to increase my length! Also do you think it is possible to go from being 5.5” measured from the top to 7” in a couple of months or is it going to take much longer? Thanks for any help!

Also I mesured my girth and it looks like I am 5” by measuring around the shaft and 2” if I measure the width. Is that the correct way to measure?

Is that a good girth?

Last edited by chupicabra : 04-14-2004 at .

Well I’m not exactly a vet but I can tell you off top an inch and a half is going to take way longer that a couple of months. A couple of months might get you a quarter of an inch maybe. Also I think jelqing does help length as well as girth, but mostly girth. Also I don’t think anything under 5 1/2 inches (which I am also under) could be considered “good” girth. Decent maybe.

Most of the people here have “starter” gains, like 1/16 to 1/2 inches in just one month, but thats only at the start, after that you can see no gains, impressive gains, normal gains, it all depends on the routine and the time and effort you put on it, im gaining like 1/8 a month, so, when i hit my 30’s (25), ill have gain like 7.5” :D (assuming that maths dont lie! LOL), but nah, seriously, if you do your routine well, in 2 months youll be 1/4 larger, more or less!


So I am totally confused where should I start then? What type of routine? Thanks a heap for any help.


Start with the most important newbie threads read through it and start with the Newbie Routine.

Good luck with the gains, I gained about 1" after two months, so good gains are possible, just don’t get your hopes up too high, otherwise you may be disappointed. Be patient and consistant and the gains will come. Is there any reason why you need gains in 2 months?

If you need fast length gains the best way is hanging, however this also needs a lot of reading before going into. Let me know if you want any more help, advice, etc.



Follow Lordbase’s suggestions. They’re sound. All I did was jelq for the first two months, then jelq and stretch for the next two. I gained an inch in the first month, then nothing for the next six weeks. At the end of my third month and into the fourth month the gains came fast. Each person is different. Read as many of the routine threads and the articles as you can. There is a lot of information here to fit your particular needs. Good luck and welcome to Thunder’s.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg



Just 76 days to go? I can’t wait to read your story.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg



Thank-you very much for your advice. I will try that then, but what stretches do you recommend? I mean there are like 20.

The reason I want to gain an inch and a half is complex, but it has to do with a girl I truly love and have been involved with for 6 years, she just broke up with me a month ago, because as she put it I was constantly accusing her of cheating on me with this guy friend she was talking to on the phone, that she met 4 months ago at a party, she said that they were just friends and that she was only trying to help him with his bi-polar illness. Well anyway she had been acting very strange for a very long time, and I finally got fed up and starting asking her why she wasn’t acting normal, a little background first. In the last 2 years we have had to carry the relationship on long distance, we meet occasionally out here in California or in her home state Michigan. Now the last time she came out here for a week, even though we hadn’t seen each other for a month she was talking on the phone all the time with this guy who she claimed she was just trying to help, so I started getting bitter and asking her if she cheated on me with him and all this crap. Anyway finally she just said I think we need some time apart, you have been so mean to me. She then proceeds to pursue a relationship with this guy which as she put it she didn’t think she had any ideas for this guy until I kept accusing her. Anyway I honestly didn’t want to lose her, we had been together for 6 years, she is an amazing girl, The main thing that gets me about her is she is so head smart and money smart, she doesn’t just want to sit at home eating Bon-bons all day while I slave away at two jobs, she works and does very well for herself, she is very educated. I feel guilty for pushing her away, and I have wanted to atone for this, so I have been calling her and making apologies for being a jerk. I told her I would like to get back together but she now has feelings for this other guy. Anyway I have been asking her about him and one thing she told me about him was that he has a 7” dick but smaller girth then mine, which I asked how big it was. One thing very disturbing about this is that she always complained mine was too big (girth wise) and yet she is taking on this 7” dong. Anyway she is talking about wanting me back, but that she has to try this relationship out, even though she doesn’t think it is going to work. She thinks we could be back together in a couple months. She is probably going to have sex with this guy and I feel like I need to measure up by then just in case. I have always felt inadequate anyway and I just really wanna do something about it. Anyway it is a little more complex then this, but that is the gist of it.


Yeah it should be interesting, my biggest fear is that she doesn’t notice anything and my PE time will have been wasted. Over the next month or 1.5 months I am focusing solely on length, then finishing with some intense girth stuff, so hopefully I can have a cock to be proud of by then. Well, actually, what I want is a cock to make her squeal (louder!)


First bit of advice is the easy stuff, the dick stuff. The manual stretches are detailed in the Quickstart Guide to Manual Exercises, also KOG’s Jelqing and Stretching 101 which has some basic info for getting started. Really it is about personal preference. I have seen a lot of people rave about DLD Blasters and DLD himself attributed much of his gains to these (if you want to find out about him do a search, it’s a long story). The V or A stretches are also good, as they add an extra level of tension. Also a lot of people seem to do JAI stretches and lazy ass stretches (fowfers). Try some different things. The important thing is finding out what works for you and what is comfortable. Everyone is different. I have never been a fan of manual stretching because I get too hard too quickly (lucky me :) ), that’s why I moved on to hanging.

As for the relationship stuff, it’s a tough situation. I’ve been there with long distance relationships (I think I’m addicted to them). I have moved from 1.5 hours to 3 hours to 10 hours flying! My timing just seems to be really bad. The first thing to realise is that she is not with you or him for the dick. The most important thing for you to change is not your cock, but your attitude towards her. One of the key elements in a successful relationship is trust. At the moment, I am in China, while my girlfriend is in Cardiff, Wales. I have been here for 2.5 months and I have another 2.5 months to go. Am I worried about her cheating, talking to other men, going out drinking? No. I trust her and she trusts me implicitly. That’s how long distance relationships work. She goes out for a drink and talks to guys that I know fancy her, I won’t interrogate her about it, I accept that she has friends as well. At the end of the day she still takes the time to sit and chat with me on MSN or sends me emails or calls me. If she was cheating and didn’t want to be with me she wouldn’t do that. I think that you have forced her away by always questioning her.

The key to this is to treat her like she deserves. If she is a great girl she needs to be treated really well. Send her gifts to apologise, make to time to visit her (but as a friend). Try anything to show that you care and you have changed. Long distance relationships take a lot of hard work and if she feels like it’s too difficult it is a lot easier to break up if she is a long way away. Make it easy for her to be in a relationship with you. Just remember, you won’t get her back with an 8x6, but you might with an apology and a promise to change.


PS Never ask ex-gfs about the size of their new partner. He’s always going to be bigger than you, regardless of whether you have a 5x5.5 or a 11x8. It’s a tool for getting back at you and making you feel bad.

Leave her alone, but thats just my opinion.

2004 6.5 bpel 5.5 eg 6 months bpel-7.75 eg- 6

Back after 10 + years break bpel 7.5/eg 5


Well said! Thanks a heap you just made me feel 100% better, I wish I could buy you a beer or something man! One of the reasons I was so accusitory is that she kind of cheated on me with a bloke online and while they never met she was telling him things that lets just say were x-rated. However this was after our very first real break-up which I initiated, however it had been months and we were working back towards being in a commited relationship which while she was having this online affair, she said we were in a commited relationship, anyway I forgave her and tried to move on and trust her again, but it just never really happened. Anyway Thanks!

Last edited by chupicabra : 04-16-2004 at .

Originally Posted by chupicabra

Well said! Thanks a heap you just made me feel 100% better, I wish I could buy you a beer or something man! One of the reasons I was so accusitory is that she kind of cheated on me with a bloke online and while they never met she was telling him things that lets just say were x-rated. However this was after our very first real break-up which I initiated, however it had been months and we were working back towards being in a commited relationship which while she was having this online affair, she said we were in a commited relationship, anyway I forgave her and tried to move on and trust her again, but it just never really happened. Anyway Thanks!


How do you know she was saying x-rated things to this guy online? Did she tell you?

I’ll let you know my personal experience with online flirting. When I was with my ex-gf I used to be on ICQ and MSN a lot at work and chatted/flirted with a lot of girls online. Some of the chats got pretty filthy and I returned the favour, but at no time did I consider it cheating. I had no intention of doing anything more than having a bit of fun, these girls were on different continents (I was in the uk and would chat with girls from Hong Kong, China, USA, Australia), so to me there was nothing happening which would affect my relationship. I spoke to my girlfriend about it and she was ok with it. Really, it was nothing worse than the flirting I do with female friends I know in person. In person, with certain friends, I am very flirty and touchy feely, they squeeze my arse and tits (well, pecs) and I do the same to them. Again, I don’t think of this as cheating. I think that it depends where you draw the line. Some people are naturally flirty and you have to accept them as they are.

I don’t know whether this should go into a separate thread. Thinking about it, I have just gone off on a tangent. Sorry, I’ll stop now!

If you are not happy with her flirting online you need to make this clear to her and see whether she accepts this. Maybe you will both need to give a little. Maybe she should be talking dirty online to you instead!

That’s about it for now, I imagine more rubbish will spew from me later.



I know because I found the saved emails and recorded im’s on the computer.

Also she was calling him babe, honey and a plethora of other names. That just kills me. I mean she said she was commited to me but yet in reality she wasnt.

Anyway what you say is not rubbish, thanks.


You have to make the decision whether or not you think that you can trust her and whether you (both of you) can make this work. This is a lot of invested effort on your behalf. Do you really think she is worth the effort and the risk of rejection or cheating? If she is then go for it. Personally, I think in your situation I would be looking closer to home. I think that trust is a key element and if I can’t trust a girl then I will always be suspicious, which (as you found out) is very damaging to a relationship. You need to sit and think about what you want. She’s clearly not as serious about this as you are, if she was then she wouldn’t be spending a couple of months seeing if she likes this guy before coming back to try you again.

Just my thoughts.

Good luck with the PE anyway. Stick with it, regardless of what you decide about this girl.



Thanks for the words of wisdom and the encouragement in the P.E. program, now I just have to get some water based lubricant and Ill be ready to go.

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