My recent results
I’m on my 5th month, of PE. I have not measured since Dec, 04. My starting measures were 6.75BPEL X 5.00EG, on Nov, 04, on a very good day. Remeasured in December, got 7.00BPEL X 5.2 EG, about an inch below my glans, with about 5.35EG at the base
Lately I have been only hitting girth, since my EL was not as much of a concern as EG. My new measurements are BPEL 7.4 x 5.25-5.3 , just behing the glans, and 5.5 base girth, I am very happy with my gains, as I am only 5 months into P.E.
Since I began, Tao, jelqs, Ulis , and SSJ, my girth has taken off, post workout, I can barely get my hands around to jelq, gone to a thumb, and two fingers, for pressure. My glads have skyrocketed, with this routine, last measurement was 5.8 to 6.0 (Glans)
I will try to work on some pics.
This stuff is great, I am presently on a 5on 1 off, for 2 weeks, followed by 3on 1 off for the next 2 weeks. Workout last 1hr and 15 with warm-up.