Originally Posted by Photon
HiI’ve hardly had any gains the last 5 months. I have tried to change my methods but still nothing. Right now I’m doing a girth program in the morgning with 5 mins of jelqing as a warmup, 20 mins of clamping, and the 5 more mins of jelqing. I am also doing a length program in the evenings with 3x10 min of manual stretching, with warmups in between sets.
What should I do to start gaining again? Should I take some time off or should I keep pushing myself even harder?
Thanks for any good advice!
I am doing this routine 5-6 days a week. In the mornings I do wet jelqs as a warmup, then one 20 min clamping pass, and then 5 min more jelqing to get the blood flow back. I try to do some bending and stuff to add some extra pressure while clamping. I use three clamps at the base. In the evenings I first warmup by pressing a hot waterbottle against my stuff for 10 min, then I stretch for 10 min, changing direction every 1-2 min. And then I repeat that three times.
Let me first say that I believe that you are over-training. I know that alot of guys use some really extensive split-routine PE schedules, but you’re jelqing and clamping 30 minutes a day and stretching 30 minutes a day, 5-6 days per week, to me there’s no rest there.
My belief system lies around the damage/stress then rest/recovery theories. We grow when we rest. Overtraining is more detrimental to growth, hampers recovery and invites injury or poor EQ. If you have cemented gains in place, then take a week or two off to let your body rest and recover. Start back with a slower approach. The following, is a schedule and program that I have used and it worked quite well for me:
1. I pre warm for 3-5 minutes or so in water that is hot enough that I can just stand it.More than just warm in other words,to stimulate blood flow to the max.
2. I perform wet jelq then for 15 -20 minutes or so (2-4 seconds per movement), depending on comfort. I use a relatively firm grip and maintain pressure at all times.One hand following (starting) as the first is reaching the glans (ending).
3. I jelq at 20-60% erect.If I go over to say 70%.I will pause and allow it to drop back to around 20-40% then start up again.
4. About every 10-20 jelqs or so, I will keep my grip at the glans, grip at the base at the same time and keggle in blood and push each toward each other.Not moving the grips,just pressuring or “ballooning” the mid-shaft.I may even do some bends in this position before resuming the 2-4 second jelq again. (With great caution due to pressure)
5. 5-10 minutes in the hot bath or warm soaking after the jelq session.
6. I use enough lube to be comfortable. If it begins to lessen I add a drop of water and slick it again.
7. I take a multi-vitamin, L-Arginine and ginko every day.
8. I used to wear an ADS during the period that I was jelqing, but I don’t really know that it contributed to my gains much (perhaps healing micro-tears in an extended state). My jelq sessions were like 3-4 days per week (basically every other day). I believe that there should be ample rest periods between sessions. Over working will only lead to reduced gains, frustration, loss of quality time and possibly injury.
I usually judge my “being on the right track” in my routine by my erection quality.
I jelq every other to every third day. Everyone reacts differently, to different stimuli, but overtraining is worse than not training enough. Someone mentioned this already, but I will reiterate, the body attenuates quickly to routine. This change up, I believe, will do you good. You really should change up a bit every six weeks or so, such as, tempo, add a minute to an exercise, do it on off days, etc. Perhaps utilize a (traction) ADS like size genetics every day for 4 hours or so and do the jelq session above every other day. Traction allows you to still work on length, but also accentuate girth at the same time. Also, supplement for good oxygen and nutrient rich blood flow. This is just my .02
I wish you well, but I think you need a decon, and then a much more reasonable schedule when you return to PE’ing.