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Need help defeating my limiting factor (the septum)


How long have you been PE’ing for?

No problem Thunder.

Alright, I just recently changed my stretching technique because I was stretching the skin around the base of my penis and not the ligaments or anything else for that matter. (at first I assumed that it was acceptable to do manual stretches that way as I did not FEEL the stretch any other way) The exercises I have been doing are just standard manual stretching exercises in a direction that is below my LOT (as I was trying to go ahead and get my lig gains before working the tunica) Well, after doing them the correct way, I realized that I had the same thick touch chord that bigplug spoke of in the post I linked to when I started this thread. I also noticed a few other people complained of this, jelktoid and Piet in particular come to mind. Jelktoid refered to it as a “dorsal lig”. I am not sure what it is in actuality, but it runs from the pubic bone to the penis itself and is fairly tough. Whatever it is, I do not doubt the fact that it is a limiting factor, because I can tell if it were longer, my penis would be longer as well. If you have any other questions that might help to identify what it is I am talking about, please feel free to ask.

SS, not long at all. 2 weeks, but I have only been doing the manual stretching the correct way for one day. (so I guess you could say one day :p )

I would have waited to ask anything about it, but I ended up reading that other people had this same problem, so I figured I would ask about it in an effort to maximize my effectiveness. I don’t mind working to gain at all, but no need in wasting time doing something that will not be effective.

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So you are feeling this “limiting factor” when stretching in a downward direction??

You don’t feel it when pulling up??

Can you move your skin freely back and forth on the shaft, when stretching in a downward direction?

How much below your LOT are you stretching?? Are you stretching at 7:00 or 8:00 or ??

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Never hurts to ask. :) All good questions.

For a lot of people, it’s about trial and error. Certain things work better for different people. Important thing is to be consistent and patient. You might even surprise yourself after a few months of PE. Limitation wha?? :D

Maybe this thread could give you some ideas on hitting the ligs better.

Last edited by SuperStroker : 06-26-2003 at .

Originally posted by ThunderSS
So you are feeling this “limiting factor” when stretching in a downward direction??


You don't feel it when pulling up??

Well, I can feel it taught when pulling up, but obviously it is not taking ALL of the stress when I pull up as I get a kegel pullback everywhere above 9:00, and it is not near as tight as when I am stretcing downwards.

Can you move your skin freely back and forth on the shaft, when stretching in a downward direction?

Yes, I am grabbing just below the glans and can move my skin freely on the shaft as I stretch.

How much below your LOT are you stretching?? Are you stretching at 7:00 or 8:00 or ??

I do downward, downwards to the left, and downwards to the right manual stretches all at about 7:00

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Well then, haven’t you answered your own question here?

If the feeling is more intense when pulling downward, wouldn’t that be the best exercise to hit your limiting factor?? If it feels more like a good workout when stretching downward, keep doing it.

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SS, how I wish I would have read that thread 2 weeks ago bro. Oh well, I feel like I am making progress as far as knowing what to do. I had done enough reading that I thought I would be well-prepared, but I guess that’s the same difference as going to med school and actually performing a surgery ………

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Thunder, yeah it is tighter when I pull downwards, but this thing feels TOUGH and my main concern is whether or not manual stretching will be enough to stretch it. Bigplug says he does erect bends to target his, but I really don’t want to try those at this point. Not only that, I am very curious to find out what exactly it is. Thanks for the prompt reply by the way. :)

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Try this: Stretch straight out, 9:00, with low to moderate force. With thumb and forefinger of the other hand, pinch at the base of your shaft, below the skin. Try to lift up the internal structures you have grasped in that area. What do you feel? Have you lifted the structure which you believe to be your limiting factor? Is it seperate from the true shaft of your penis? Can you feel tough stringy type material in that area?


BIB, it is connected to the shaft at the base. Upon feeling (I had felt before to try to figure out what it was, but not at the very base at the pubic fat pad as I did per your instructions), it seems to be many seperate stringy fibers.

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>BIB, it is connected to the shaft at the base. <

And then to the pubic bone?

>Upon feeling (I had felt before to try to figure out what it was, but not at the very base at the pubic fat pad as I did per your instructions), it seems to be many seperate stringy fibers.<

Then, that would be your ligs, or lig bundles. If it is seperate from the shaft. The best way to attach those is with BTC stretching or hanging. You might think they are very tough, and they are, but not as tough as the tunica.

Get busy.


alright, I'm an idiot

Originally posted by Bib

And then to the pubic bone?

Yes, it runs from the pubic bone to the base.

Then, that would be your ligs, or lig bundles. If it is seperate from the shaft. The best way to attach those is with BTC stretching or hanging. You might think they are very tough, and they are, but not as tough as the tunica.

Man, I had a feeling you were going to say those were ligaments. Thanks much BIB ……… I can’t believe these things stretch to be honest. (well, I KNOW they do, but they feel pretty tough)

Get busy.


Thanks again for clearing that up.

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Well, all pictures I found were mostly or the internal structure of the penis. :p I was never able to find anything that showed how ligaments attached and how it was anchored into the body.

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