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Need help defeating my limiting factor (the septum)


Need help defeating my limiting factor (the septum)

Alright, after some advice from bigplug, and reading this thread: Another damned tunica question (sorry guys), I have found that the septum is my limiting factor. I stretch my penis straight out, and the ONLY thing that holds it back from being longer is this extremely tought tissue. This kind of sucks because I just started out, but then again, at least I have determined my limiting factor. Now that I am armed with this information, should I abandon any exercise that is not related to defeating this limiting factor. Has anyone else encountered this problem from the beginning and made significant gains? And why does this not appear to be a limiting factor for everyone eventually?

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First, What is your LOT?

I think it’s important to point out that the septum is basically an area where the tunicas (one surrounding each cc and one surrounding both) come together. It is the tunica, therefore traditional tunica stretching moves such as A, fulcrum, V, etc… have excellent potential in stressing and stretching this area of tissue.

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Alright, my LOT is 9:00

The thing is, I’m not sure how much that matters at the moment. No matter what kind of stretch I do, this is the ONLY thing that takes any of the stress. It doesn’t matter if I try to hit the ligs, or the tunica, this thick cord that runs along the top is the only thing that takes any stress and I really want to figure out how to beat this thing into submission. Thanks for the quick response RB.

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I’d concentrate on downward type stretching or hanging, such as btc and under the legs to the left and right. This should hit the septum well and eventually the ligs, where you have gain potential with a LOT of 9:00…

Good Luck.

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

thanks RB ……… I think I am going to order a BIB hanger, because this thing is tough and I feel I will hit it better through hanging than manual stretching

if anyone else who has had to battle with their septum themselves, input is more than welcome ……… one can never be too well-informed

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I’m with you. This is the only place I get sore. I am using caution because of all the other tissues in there. Nerves are not something that I want to run the risk of damaging. If it takes me two years to reach my goals, that’s fine, because I will get there. I am still eagerly awaiting a reply from WestLA, as I have not had the best luck with my research.

If you think you can you might,

If you think you can't your right.

Phildo, have you made gains so far regardless of this? If so, please tell me what methods you have used to do so. And I am in agreement, I don’t mind if it takes a couple of years at all ……… just want to know that it is still obtainable. Thanks


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I am glad this is now being discussed. I think that if you have a high LOT then it is worth doing lig stretches to get quick gains there. However lenth is ulimately limited by the septum. It is true however that you can stretch and not realize erect gains if you neglect expansion techniques like jelqing/

In my view one needs a balanced approach like hang/squeeze or jelq/stretch to get optimum results.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

luvdadus, I definitely agree that if you have a high LOT, you should hit your ligs. That is, IF your septum does not limit you. If you stretch your penis and ALL you feel holding your penis back from being longer is at the septum (center on the top), and not all around the base, it seems logical that no matter what you do, the septum itself has to be stretched before you are going to get any gains by any other means because even if you COULD stretch the ligs, your erection (and your flacid stretch for that matter) would still only stretch out as far as your septum will allow. One thing I do not understand though is why is this NOT something that everyone encounters as a limiting factor? I am given to assume that everyone’s septum is attached to the body the same way, so I don’t understand why it is that not every guy has had to bother stretching theirs???

Additionally, I can tell that my septum limits my penis when erect. It has a natural curvature upwards which I believe is caused by the septum pulling back while the chambers within the tunica expand with blood to a length that is greater than the septum will allow my penis to stretch. I can feel it in the septum if I use my hands to perfectly straighten my penis.

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Last edited by soon2b9 : 06-26-2003 at .


The thing you are missing is, the tunica. When guys are talking about stressing their tunica, it is exactly what you are writing about as the septum. The tunicae’ are the entire sheaths surrounding the CC, CS, and the septum is the middle where they all come together. This is a large part of PE.

Also, if you have gains potential in your ligs, you can make those gains without stretching the tunica. This involves stretching the ligs, using lower angles, so that inner penis may be released.


Originally posted by ThunderSS
Or let the Hanger's Forum come to you, as it just did. :)

hmmm ……… not a bad alternative :p

Thanks for dropping in BIB.

Okay, I must have something wrong. So let me first ask this. The tunica does not attach to the base of the penis correct? Because the thick cord I am referring to does attach at the base and from feeling, it SEEMS to extend almost to the glans. Although it could be that this chord just joins the penis close to the base and what I am feeling after that is the septum of the tunica??? I have looked at literally tons of anatomy pictures, and I have still been unable to clarify what exactly it is that I am stretching at this point. Sorry about all the questions, but I assure you I have tried to do as much reasearch as possible before asking anything. I just feel that my progress would be better if I had a more thorough understanding of the structure of the penis and the scientific aspects of PE.

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I also have a problem with the septum. I have a low lot at 6.5-7 but when I atarted four months ago knew nothing about lot. I was jelqing and btc, sd stretching and have made significant gains. After doing some reading have swithched to tunica work but have really stalled with gains. No idea what I started at for measurements but I am currently 8” bpfl and have gained about 1/2 ” nbpel. It is noticeable and even my wife sees it. She knows about my quest and seems to be enjoying the results. Definitely supports me trying for more. I am 6 1/4 ” and hope to be 8” someday.

If anyone can crack this issue Im sure more than just I would appreciate it.

Hogman, congratulations on your gains!
I hope this thread can answer both of our questions.
Thanks again to all who reply/replied for your input.
I can’t even begin to say how great it is to have a place like this as a resource!


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This is me in case you ever want to know what kind of psycho you're dealing with.

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