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Another damned tunica question (sorry guys)


Another damned tunica question (sorry guys)

Hi guys.

I’ve been at this PE stuff for almost a year now with some success, and thought I was somewhat familiar with the anatomy of the johnson. At the risk of sounding dumb, though, I must address an issue that has been bugging me for some time now.

The tunicae are the tough coverings that surround the corpus cavernosa on both sides of the penis, right? And that cord (which has been referred to as being sort of “T” shaped in cross section) that runs along the top is the “septum” that separates the two chambers, right? Okay….

When you guys hang, or pull your dicks straight out to stretch the tunica, where do you generally feel the resistance? Do you feel the stretch on the entire tunica, as in around the circumfrence of the penis too? Or just on this cord-like septum thingie in the middle?

I ask this question because whenever I pull, jelq, hang or whatever, the *only* thing that seems to be keeping my dick from stretching out literally inches more is that cord-like septum thingie along the top of my dick. Nothing else ever gets stretched at all, no matter which direction I stretch in - up, down, sideways or however. The rest of my dick just sort of hangs there flabby, while this middle septum thing gets stretched out like a freakin’ guitar string.

Is this the norm? Please help me here guys. I’m confused.

8/1/02: 5.75" BPEL X 4.5" EG

6/1/03: 7.5" BPEL X 5.75" EG as measured midshaft with a snapped chalk line....

This isn’t something guys have asked about, but the septum can be the limiting factor. Here’s a post by jelktoid with whom you share this trait. IMO, the “dorsal lig” he refers to is actually the septum.

Thanks Hobby, it looks like we both have this problem then. But since I’ve gained a goodly amount of length already, I kinda figured some other limiting factor would’ve appeared by now.

So this so-called “dorsal lig” isn’t really a lig, is it? I think I remember Bib saying that there were no ligs in the shaft itself. And is this a common limiting factor, or is it sort of unusual? In other words, where is the usual place that most guys feel the resistance in their dicks when they stretch? Sorry for my inquisitiveness, but this is bugging me.

8/1/02: 5.75" BPEL X 4.5" EG

6/1/03: 7.5" BPEL X 5.75" EG as measured midshaft with a snapped chalk line....

I can feel it all over the tunica, depending on the angle and direction of the pull…

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Thanks RB. The only way I can ever feel any tension in my outer tunica *at all* is if I stretch semi-erect, which I don’t do as an exercise. Even then, though, the sensation is minimal.

8/1/02: 5.75" BPEL X 4.5" EG

6/1/03: 7.5" BPEL X 5.75" EG as measured midshaft with a snapped chalk line....

Bigplug, what’s your LOT and what angles/directions are you pulling at? I assume it’s low and you are targeting your tunica. Are you doing any fulcrum type stretching?

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

RB, my lot is waaay up there past 11:00 as it was when I started PE. I have no idea why it hasn’t moved down at all. I get a great tug up high, but it’s all gone before 11:00. I do lots of kegels all day, so the problem shouldn’t be a weak pc muscle.

Right now, the only exercises I do are erect bends downward, consisting primarily of holding my erect wood out horizontal, then carefully arcing it downward and holding the tension. I assume this places an incredible stress on that dorsal “thing” whatever it is, but that’s really how I’ve made just about all my length gains for quite a long time. And this is really the only thing I’ve found that places enough gut-wrenching tension on that dorsal thing to really move it.

**Newbies please note that I’ve been at this for almost a year. The exercise I describe above generates serious p.s.i., and if you do them with an unaccustomed unit, you run the real risk of your dick exploding. Erect bending is no joke.***

8/1/02: 5.75" BPEL X 4.5" EG

6/1/03: 7.5" BPEL X 5.75" EG as measured midshaft with a snapped chalk line....

Damn… I was WAY off… :) Have you ever tried primarily lig stretching?

If your LOT is that high, the ligs are taking the bulk of the tension, and should be your limiting factor. I’d abandon trying to stretch the septum, and concentrate on downward stretching, especially under your legs and as close to between the cheeks as you can possibly get… I’m betting that as you are able to lower your LOT, you will eventually be able to feel your tunica stretch.

Good Luck… :)

I think you can’t feel any tunica stress because your ligs are so tight.

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

I think it’s my limitingfactor too. When I hold it SO while flaccid the only thing stretched is that thing. 2 weeks ago I started doing intense v-stretches with finger/pencil and a-stretches, my bpfl gained about 1cm in that week, which I could hardly believe. After that I stopped cause I read somewhere on the forum that thing could be a vein, but now I know better and will work on it again ;)

I think if I can loosen it up my bpfl will gain an easy inch lol. I’m going to be huge :D

Originally posted by Piet
I'm going to be huge :D

That’s the spirit… :)


With a LOT of 11:00 your ligs are very tight in relation to your tunica. You have the potential for some relatively easy gains. Go get them!

I suggest you focus on stretching, or preferably hanging, BTC until your LOT drops considerably. Then switch to bending, fulcrum hanging, etc. to work the tunica (including the dorsal thing :) ).

>So this so-called “dorsal lig” isn’t really a lig, is it?

No, it’s not. I saw a decent diagram of the septum somewhere long ago. Now I can’t find it.

>And is this a common limiting factor, or is it sort of unusual?

I think you, Jelktoid, and now Piet are the only ones who have mentioned it.

>In other words, where is the usual place that most guys feel the resistance in their dicks when they stretch?

I feel it mostly at the base. Stretching down hits the ligs. Up, the bottom of the shaft. Left, the right side. Right, the left side. SO distributes the load evenly.

>Sorry for my inquisitiveness, but this is bugging me.

If it weren’t for inquisitive people these forums wouldn’t exist. We’re here to talk about things like this. :)

I’ve been trying to research this myself and I am waiting to hear from WestLA on this one. This is my limiting factor. There is little or no stress anywhere but here. It is the only part that gets sore. I feel like I could get another inch of stretch without this tissue as all others are not even taught. I never have seen a difference in different stretches because they all do the same thing.

Do any of my tight dorsal brothers have high erection angles? How about the upward curve? I do.

Once I get some more info from research or advice from a pro, I will beat that tissue into submission and get to 8” NBP.

Thunder’s place rules. Forums of any type advance the learning curve to such a degree that we have learned so much in a relatively short amount of time. I’ll be sure to post when I find some concrete answers.

If you think you can you might,

If you think you can't your right.

I have been concentrating on V-stretches lately for this very reason. My LOT is lowish, so I’m hanging SO at the moment, but also do V-stretches as I also feel that is my principal limiting factor. This diagram may help to explain.


This also makes interesting reading

the penis


This is a very good educational thread. I notice that when I hang, which is exclusive SO or up nowadays, I also feel this ‘tight cord’ or septum and it seems to be the limiting factor. I notice as I shift my hang angle to more of a straight up (which is possible with my setup) I can feel the bottom side of my shaft starting to tighten up (the rest of the tunica???) and it starts to take a lot more of the stress, while the septum loses little if any of it’s tension, thus maybe killing 2 birds with one stone. Just something to think about..

I dont know if my question is related to anything said above. However if i manual stretch my penis downward while standing up i feel an incredible stretch at the base of my penis. Is this a stretch of the ligs, the tunica or anything else that could cause more damage than good????

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