Massaging the Dorsal Lig
I have been having great success by zeroing in on my limiting factor - the lig that runs down the top of the shaft in the middle. When I stretch my unit by holding the head, the dorsal lig becomes prominent as the limiting factor. I can bend the tunica quite a bit when fully stretched. I believe that I have at least another 1/2 inch of length that could be achieved if it weren’t for that tight lig.
So, I have been concentrating on my limiting factor. 3 to 5 times a day I warm up for 5 minutes with moist heat and then do three stretches. The first stretch is the fulcrum where I grasp the head with my fingers and bend it over both thumbs. Next, I stretch straight out as hard as I can. Finally, I stretch it out all the way holding the head. Then I use my other hand (the thumb specifically) and deeply massage the dorsal ligament in about 5 places for about 1 minute each. The nerve bundle is right behind the head on the top, so I stay away from that location.
This technique combined with Fulcrum Hanging has enabled me to lengthen my shaft .3 inches in about 2 weeks. I think that I can get another 1/2 inch over time using this technique. I highly recommend that each member of the Forum look for their own limiting factor. I was able to get good lig and skin stretch at the base from hanging. Jelqing really loosened up my tunica. But, that tight dorsal lig was holding me back. Now, I plan to stretch that sucker out and then go after the next limiting factor.
1 more inch in length and .5 inch in girth and I will have reached my goal of 9x6.5.