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Need PE tool kit What to order ADS, hanger, etc

Need PE tool kit What to order ADS, hanger, etc

I have a window where there will be no one else around to see the incoming mail and I want to place my order for my PE supplies tonight so that they get delivered in this time period. I am 31 so don’t think that I am a teenager with he parents away. I am just in a situation in a house with several other sets of eyes seeing all the mail, etc.

I am thinking that I want an ADS, and a hanger, and other recommendations that you can make.

I DO NOT WANT TO BUILD ANYTHING!! I was thinking of getting stuff from Monkeybar but I am open to any company. I am not sure that I want to pump.

Budget about 300-400 or so.

What should I order??

I was thinking the AutoADS and then one of the package deals but I am not sure. Please make recommendations!!


PS for the vacuhanger the measure require of the head is the flacid or erect head measurement?

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Don’t buy anything.

OK why not? I am already doing the manual stretching, jelqs, etc.. Do you not think any of the products work?

Anyone else have recommendations? I know thunder is the boss around here but I thought maybe someone else might have a different view point.

If privacy is that big a deal, PO boxes are cheap. You’ll spend far less in the long run if you just wait until you know exactly what you want and then get the PO box if necessary.

Qwerty thanks for the idea but that isn’t an option either. Believe me I have thought of all of the ideas. This is time period is a rare occasion and money is not the problem. I would rather buy something and not need it then not have something I needed.

The guys that use those devices are apparently on vacation. Do an advanced search for AutoADS or AutoEXT in the thread title and you will find lots of info on those products. Here are just a couple:

AutoExtender’s AutoADS
Initial AutoADS 60 day gain report: makyen

Last edited by gprent : 07-11-2007 at .

I agree with thunder. Do the newbie routine for a few months then maybe add more advanced routines. If you really want to buy an extender then check out ebay. The penis extender sells for $109 with free shipping. You need to get the extender with the comfort strap. You also can purchase a Kaplan penis pump on ebay for around $75. Make sure to do a search on pump cylinder size so you buy the cylinder which would work for your current measurements. Keep in mind that an extender needs to be worn for an average of 12 hours a day for a minimum of 24 weeks to gain an average of an inch in lenght.

I am thinking that I want an ADS, and a hanger, and other recommendations that you can make.

I DO NOT WANT TO BUILD ANYTHING!! I was thinking of getting stuff from Monkeybar but I am open to any company. I am not sure that I want to pump.

Budget about 300-400 or so.

What should I order??

I was thinking the AutoADS and then one of the package deals but I am not sure. Please make recommendations!!

Originally Posted by Longroots
OK why not? I am already doing the manual stretching, jelqs, etc.. Do you not think any of the products work?

Because a certain DIY mentality is necessary for PE success. There are no shortcuts here.


Originally Posted by Gninja
Do the newbie routine for a few months then maybe add more advanced routines.

Well I just started the newbie routine and will be done with that by early Oct. I was thinking at that time to continue it, but also use the Jes-Extender with the Comfort Strap. I have a slight kink / curvature in my penis and read that traction can correct it. I searched the forums, but haven’t seen any new reviews regarding the Comfort Strap.

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