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PE weights for ADS

PE weights for ADS

I’m sure this has been addressed and re-addressed. However, I’m not actually finding the answers by searching. So I’m starting this thread to ask a few questions.

I’ve gotten some golf swing weights to use for PE weights and use them as an ADS. I’ll be using more weights when I do hanging. In a previous question in another thread, I was told that some wear as little as two, some as many as eight. Well, there is no way I’ll be fitting eight of them on me for a while. Three seem like they will work even while I’m on the job.

>What is the benefit of wearing a few of these as an ADS? Do they actually contribute to gains or just prevent “turtling”? Are they heavy enough to actually give any real stretch?
>How long can I actually wear them at a time without causing possible damage?
>I’m wrapping under them for more comfort, will this contribut to damage if I don’t wrap too tight?

While on the subject of wrapping, I’ve got a few questions about that too.
I’ve read that wrapping is possibly good to treat or prevent discoloration.
>If I wrap for this, how long do I keep the wrapping on?
>How much of the penis should be wrapped? I’m thinking the whole thing out as far as the circumcision scar.
>Other than this or for comfort, is there benefit to just wrapping at times?

Sixty views and no replies. I’ve done my searching and lots of reading but don’t really know the answers to these questions. Let me also apologize for the misspelling of the word contribute. Forgot to spell check that post.

Someone else asked a wrapping question after I posted my thread and from the links in his reply, I found another link to another link and the answer was there (I think). Following links long enough seems to be better than using the search.

Anyway, if someone could answer my weights for ADS question, it would be helpful.

As already stated, I think I understand the wrapping thing. I’ll need to put it on at the base and wear it for a few hours…not too tight though. It will take some practice to get it right though. If I’m mistaken, please correct me.

Thanks for any help. Even if it’s a link to another post with the answers that I missed in my searching.

I found slack’s post about the foam wrap by accident. Now I know how to keep them on. I’m slowly answering my own questions.

Now I have one that someone else will have to answer.

I wore the weights off and on 3 days ago. Yesterday and day before, my balls were terribly sore, as if I’d been kicked in them.

Possible contributions to the soreness are: weights, nolvadex (to boost my test production), or having too much sex lately. I’m suspecting the weights, maybe I went too heavy, too soon or just wore them too long the first day.

Once again, for any help I thank you.

Originally Posted by littlehobo
I’m sure this has been addressed and re-addressed. However, I’m not actually finding the answers by searching. So I’m starting this thread to ask a few questions.

I’ve gotten some golf swing weights to use for PE weights and use them as an ADS. I’ll be using more weights when I do hanging. In a previous question in another thread, I was told that some wear as little as two, some as many as eight. Well, there is no way I’ll be fitting eight of them on me for a while. Three seem like they will work even while I’m on the job.

>What is the benefit of wearing a few of these as an ADS? Do they actually contribute to gains or just prevent “turtling”? Are they heavy enough to actually give any real stretch?
>How long can I actually wear them at a time without causing possible damage?
>I’m wrapping under them for more comfort, will this contribut to damage if I don’t wrap too tight?

While on the subject of wrapping, I’ve got a few questions about that too.
I’ve read that wrapping is possibly good to treat or prevent discoloration.
>If I wrap for this, how long do I keep the wrapping on?
>How much of the penis should be wrapped? I’m thinking the whole thing out as far as the circumcision scar.
>Other than this or for comfort, is there benefit to just wrapping at times?

I use PEWeights, but your questions are too specific for me to answer, so I’ll just relate my experiences.

I believe the weights can contribute to gains, if worn long enough, but I use them mainly to maintain a stretch after a workout. I’m lucky if I can find time to use them for an hour at a time. However, I recently got the ‘stealth’ version and may get more daring.

I use a hair band for a ‘wrap’ (more like a sheath, really), to prevent irritation and make the weights slide on/off more easily. (Whoever made this suggestion originally, it’s a great idea.)

I wrap at the end (glans) with foam sports tape (to prevent painful sticking when unwrapping) and a narrow strip of velcro’d neoprene, to keep the weights on. I’ve also found that if I keep the hair band long enough, I can just fold it up over the weights and secure that with a rubber band. Seems to stay on and is very comfortable and unobtrusive. Many techniques have been discussed here and are worth investigating.

I can’t imagine getting discoloration, let alone damage, from these things.

Incidentally, I only read this post this morning. Patience is a virtue :-)

Plustwo, thanks. Learning from personal experience is the way to go. Enough folks say what did and didn’t work for them and we can get a picture of what are good and bad ideas.

I try to learn all I can before embarking on anything new if it’s at all possible.

I recommend an elastic form of sport tape that is self adhesive. It will stick to the skin at first but when the stickiness wears off you’ve got a wonderful elastic tape that is about 1” wide and the beauty is you can control the compression of the tape perfectly. I can hold up 4 rings easily. That equates to 2 1/2 lbs roughly. I’ve gone up to 5 rings but your wrap technique needs to be perfect and even then I could only wear them for about 2 to 3 hours max before needing to readjust.

Stack your wrap thick so the End ring has a good amount of material to sit on. I like about a 1/4” of wrap thickness so I use almost a full 5 foot roll of tape cut into two pieces for easier handling.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

OK, so put the weight rings on then wrap?

That makes sense. I was wrapping and then trying to make the weights go over the wrap then pulling them back down to the end. Ahhh the things we have to learn when we are just starting out. I wish that I’d started this years ago now.

Thanks for the input. It’s all starting to make some sense now.

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