Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New Exercise Idea

New Exercise Idea

Get about 75% Erect, do a Dry Jelq, BUT!, when you go up and rush the head into the penis, hold this and stretch your entire penis outward for say a minute. All the blood on the penis is at the head, so basically you are stretching the flaccid, and the head will say buldged for a minute. What do you guys think?


I do not recommend continuing this exercise. Two problems: 1) Stretching while erect is dangerous and is likely to cause injury. Check out what happened to KingUbu. All manual stretching should be performed completely flaccid, and jelqing to achieve length gains should not be attempted at more than a 50% erection, and even then the stroke should not last near a minute of time. 2) It’s not good to keep continuous direct pressure on your glans - especially when it’s filled full of blood.

My advice would be to scrap the exercise and just stick with time tested traditional jelqing and stretching techniques.

Also, try to understand the anatomy. The penis is not one long blood tube. The corpora cavernosa (CC), the twin erectile chambers in the shaft, do not connect directly with the glans (head). The glans is an extension of the corpus spongiosum (CS) which is the tube of erectile tissue that surrounds the urethra (pee tube) and forms the ridge on the underside of the penis.

It isn’t possible for “all the blood” in the penis to be moved into the head and held there they way you describe. See this image.

I am not sure what I did but my head buldges so nicely. I wanted it to stay that way. I had a lot of blood in the glans. Is just holding blood in the glans for say 30 seconds okay?


If after reading the warnings posted above, you choose to continue with this exercise as you call it; any damage you might incur will be of your own stupidity and not of the advice given here at thunders.

(Obligatory message)

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

There have been a lot of “head exercises” proposed here. You can find links to most of them in this post. If you’re using an “OK” grip, that is a grip that completely encircles the penis, then you are pushing blood up the corpus spongiosum into the glans. Holding it for 30 seconds won’t hurt things I guess, but you can’t expect head growth like you can shaft growth. The glans is very spongy and is not contained within the tunica, like the corpora cavernosa are. It just expands with pressure then goes back to the state it was in. Head growth is difficult to get.

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