Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New guy here wants facts

Originally Posted by pgt7787
Gulp. I’d never though of that, but you must be right. What a cesspit.

Keep your back to the wall is my advice Nomad.


This guy is ignorant.

"My anaconda don't want none Unless you got buns, hun" -Sir Mix Alot, "Baby Got Back"

“Thanks and also I’m perfect.”
“Please only straight people reply me. Gays and bi’s pls excuse.”
“Masturbation is gay don’t do it. You ll start becoming girly hairy and mad with masturbation.”

Man, you sound like you just came off the Mayflower! Be very careful on this site as I hear there’s a lot of sexual deviants who might try to corrupt you. Aside: some of them even masturbate, but I didn’t tell you that. shhhhh


I’m a newbie, been doing this for 2 months and am already noticing size changes. I’m noticing that for me, the kegelling has probably helped more than anything because my erection is taking the penis to it’s full potential. I’m pretty confident that I’m not wasting my time doing this, but definately take these guys advice about taking it easy.
Regarding gays, theres a couple in here that I know are gay, but have a ton of useful advice. They’re not here to mack on the straight folks. You may find some of there pics pretty gross, but I’m sure they find some of the naked chick pics gross. Were all here for the same thing.

Good luck man and be careful but motivated.

I’ve only been PE-ing for three weeks, mostly to improve my erections. If my average-size cock gets bigger, too—fine. Will PE work? Well, I did something similar (called foreskin restoration) to help improve sensitivity during intercourse. And I did restore half my foreskin simply by keeping it stretched out, day and night. FR goes quicker because you’re dealing with the skin. PE will take longer because you’re dealing with tougher tissues (ligaments, tunica). But I see no reason why it won’t work, if you look at the physiology of it. I always was suspect of the big claims from spam I got saying, “Pay us money and you’ll be really hung,” as if big money = big dick. That’s why TP has such credibility with me.

On several of your other comments, see the PM I sent you.

Originally Posted by nomadic_bone
I don’t have an attitute or any culture’ thing towards gays or bi’s. I just don’t want to waste time talking about cocks here. I guess this site must be heaven for gays and Bi’s because of all the cocks chatting about their cocks here ahahahaha. Any kid can figure out that on such sites whats the type of crowds. But I needed some straight guy to tell me straight whats all this because I’m having a problem here.

Yes you are, but it isn’t with your dick. We’ve done some surveys here and the number of heterosexual members far outweighs the number of homos and bisexuals. You have a problem with misconception. Thunder wants all members to benefit from the site, to help each other when possible, and to not let minor things like sexual orientation get in the way of making a bigger penis for yourself. If you have questions about PE, ask. Don’t prejudge the response based on who the responder sleeps with.

Else I don’t like to see or even be touching my manhood. And one more thing. Masturbation is gay don’t do it. You ll start becoming girly hairy and mad with masturbation. Just use your enjoyment for a girl don’t blow the heat on your hands.

Good old Catholic guilt at work, I see. You have a lot to learn my friend.

I haven’t read the whole thread yet, but if your still in doubt, consider this:

Lurk around for a while, and see the women on this board. Many of them are here because they are helping their men with their PE work. If the success a lot of people gained from using this board was just imaginary, why would these women join in?
Maybe because it actually works.

Now, I haven’t been PE’ing for even a month, but I can already see changes. My dick is longer and thicker when flaccid, and has a more impressive erection. It’s filled with veins, and looks much more muscular. It even weighs more in my hand.

Even my girlfriend saw the change after 2 weeks. Though I haven’t got any gains to brag about yet, I sure have a much more impressive unit. And that alone, is worth 15 minutes of work-out a day.

And even if it does’nt work for you, would’nt it feel good that you are actually doing something about it?

Good luck.

Starting at: ELBP 7.2" / EFL 5" / EG 5.5" ----------------------------------------- 5 months: ELBP 7.8" / EFL 5.5 / EG 5.5" (Cemented now!!!) My next goal is ELBP 8.2" / EFL 6" / EG 5.8", and to straighten my curve out a bit

Originally Posted by nomadic_bone
Siam guy here the average is 7 hindus are 7average and ppl are monsters with Gujarati’s/rajasthanis at 8 and parsis/Punjabi’s/Iranians/Arab’s and others are 9+.

Isn’t such knowledge rather gay? How did you come to know the majority of Arabs have 9” cocks (for example)? You sure that isn’t just something they say because it sounds impressive? (in english this is termed: bullshit)

The subject of average size is one of great interest around here (despite our largely heterosexual population… gay influence obviously). And after all the survey’s and searches from all over the internet the general consensus still seems to be that somewhere between 5-6” is the average penis length of all men (not just white’s).

So please supply the source of your information on these races of gargantuan cocks. I may just find myself a nice Punjabi girl and save my progeny about 3 years of PE work!

Measurements as of June 29, 2005 eg: 6 inch bpel: 7.2 inch nbpel: 6.3 inch My Goal eg: 7 inch bpel: 8.9 inch nbpel: 8 inch Have A Nice Day! :)

Just to let you guys know don’t go after Punjabi females. It is highly disrespectful for a Punjabi woman (which means about 95%+ of the time she is of the Sikh religion) to date out of her religion. With the respect part aside, a male relative in her family will go after YOU, not her, as a consequence. My friend is Punjabi, take my word for it.

P.S. Nomadic don’t get hurt

I have a friend who keeps on trying to get me to marry “A nice Indian girl”. I guess that’s different?

I must say, although I’m reasonably tolerant of it, I find my friend a little racist. He always puts down white women and then talks about Indian women being so supportive and all that.

Measurements as of June 29, 2005 eg: 6 inch bpel: 7.2 inch nbpel: 6.3 inch My Goal eg: 7 inch bpel: 8.9 inch nbpel: 8 inch Have A Nice Day! :)

Originally Posted by nomadic_bone
One more thing. Please only straight people reply me. Gays and bi’s pls excuse.

That’s not a nice thing to say. We are all equal here. How would you like it if someone posted a question and said that no dot head should reply? We do not tolerate racism or discrimination here at Thunders.

:buttrock: The Peter Dick method :buttrock:

Then, BPEL:7.500"x5.500"

Now, BPEL:8.375"X6.750"

Originally Posted by ShaggyDog

The subject of average size is one of great interest around here (despite our largely heterosexual population… gay influence obviously).


Thousands of fairly active members here, most herero, interested in size - in a PE forum, where they would be expected to be - and you think that is a gay influence? Get a grip. :)

It’s a universal interest. Starts with male “socialization” training and picks up major steam at puberty when boys begin to compare organ size among themselves. Then TV and print media do their work, yada yada, and you got a lot of men concerned if they are “big” enough.



Originally Posted by avocet8

Thousands of fairly active members here, most herero, interested in size - in a PE forum, where they would be expected to be - and you think that is a gay influence? Get a grip. :)

It’s a universal interest. Starts with male “socialization” training and picks up major steam at puberty when boys begin to compare organ size among themselves. Then TV and print media do their work, yada yada, and you got a lot of men concerned if they are “big” enough.

I have what some have called “dry wit”, I was making light of an earlier comment by Nomadic Bone in my post.

Sorry, I haven’t found the [sarcasm]sarcasm markers[/sarcasm] for this forum yet. :)

Measurements as of June 29, 2005 eg: 6 inch bpel: 7.2 inch nbpel: 6.3 inch My Goal eg: 7 inch bpel: 8.9 inch nbpel: 8 inch Have A Nice Day! :)

“If only closed minds came with closed mouths.”

-My 12th grade english teacher

Originally Posted by ShaggyDog
I have a friend who keeps on trying to get me to marry “A nice Indian girl”. I guess that’s different?

I must say, although I’m reasonably tolerant of it, I find my friend a little racist. He always puts down white women and then talks about Indian women being so supportive and all that.

I’ve noticed the same stuff from some of my Indian friends/acquaintances. They’re very smart and super friendly, but surprisingly they can be very small minded and intolerant. One friend was telling me that “honor killings” still occur in their country. Usually it happens when an Indian girl dates a Muslem or someone outside of their religion or sect. The father (and/or brothers) usually murder her as she has dishonored them, and the police pretty much sympathise with the situation the family was in so they do nothing to investigate and “solve” the crime.

I was shocked and disturbed hearing this which my friend found rather comical. He completely understood the necessity of these. He’s experienced them in the town he was from, but noone in his family was ever murdered.


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