Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New guy here wants facts

He is from India. It is most likely again his culture to talk to gay or bi people. I don’t think he has an attitude, per say. He is just a very doubtful person ( as many of us are in the beginning)…

Nomad, I understand your doubts, but the facts are here, there and everywhere. Look around, you will find them.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

JohnSchwab909 thanks for all the reality checks. I think I have no choice anyways. Might as well give this a try as a last resort in life hehehe.And thanks westla for the data.

Dude I’m a catholic. I don’t have an attitute or any culture’ thing towards gays or bi’s. I just don’t want to waste time talking about cocks here. I guess this site must be heaven for gays and Bi’s because of all the cocks chatting about their cocks here ahahahaha. Any kid can figure out that on such sites whats the type of crowds. But I needed some straight guy to tell me straight whats all this because I’m having a problem here. Else I don’t like to see or even be touching my manhood. And one more thing. Masturbation is gay don’t do it. You ll start becoming girly hairy and mad with masturbation. Just use your enjoyment for a girl don’t blow the heat on your hands.

Thanks a million amigos. Ill start with the newbie routine and see what treasure I can dig up ehehehe. Ill post next if I have some doubts or something big shows up.


“And one more thing. Masturbation is gay don’t do it. You ll start becoming girly hairy and mad with masturbation.”

{nomad, you have a point there. Not only will masturbation make you girly, hairy and mad, it will slow down your gains. Don’t do it. Save yourself for marriage}


Welcome to the forum

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by SiamGuy
Gays and Bi’s make gains too you know heh. Is 5 x 4 very unusual in India? How old are you. Lastly, you shouldn’t be so homophobic. They won’t seduce you over the internet without you being awares or something :) Also check out “PE Data Site” link at bottom of page.

Siam guy here the average is 7 hindus are 7average and ppl are monsters with Gujarati’s/rajasthanis at 8 and parsis/Punjabi’s/Iranians/Arab’s and others are 9+. Catholics are kinda considered sweet nice ppl. I’m average I think for my culture. But ya know Gujarati/rajasthani/Punjabi babes are sooo fukking damn damn hot and irrrrestable :P

BTW ppl consider Chinese a fast kung fu race here ;)

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
“And one more thing. Masturbation is gay don’t do it. You ll start becoming girly hairy and mad with masturbation.”

{Nomad, you have a point there. Not only will masturbation make you girly, hairy and mad, it will slow down your gains. Don’t do it. Save yourself for marriage}


Welcome to the forum

Yeah dude. If you always ask a gay he’ll give you talks like. Nooo masturbation is fine . Yeah it’s natural. No it’s good. It’s absolutely normal. People you know whats the meaning of loving your own heart called? GUD IE GAY

Oh Lord


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by nomadic_bone
Else I don’t like to see or even be touching my manhood. And one more thing. Masturbation is gay don’t do it. You ll start becoming girly hairy and mad with masturbation.

Are you living on another planet ?

Originally Posted by nomadic_bone
But ya know Gujarati/rajasthani/Punjabi babes are sooo fukking damn damn hot and irrrrestable :P

I know what you mean about the Punjabi girls. Loads of them where I live. Got to be careful though, they usually have have a dozen violent brothers that don’t want their sister seeing a gorrah.

Feb 2004 BPEL 6.7" NBPEL ???? BPFSL ???? EG 5.65" Feb 2005 BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 6.9" EG 5.8" Feb 2006 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.6" EG 5.85" Feb 2007 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.5" EG 5.9"


Please note this part of the forum guidelines:

“All men and women, of hetero-, homo- and bi- sexual orientation and transgender people are equally encouraged to post in all forums.”

Enough with the anti-gay stuff.

I’m not gay, but I really look down on gay bashing (at least serious, public bashing). Joking with friends I look past, but this is like racism. Homosexuality is an orientation, from what I understand. Its like: lets say all your life you are not attracted to women, only men. You only feel an emotional connection to men, not women. What do you do? Do you fake your life and desire because society says “gays are bad grrrr”

If you are gay because you had bad experiences with women, than thats different. If you are gay because you honestly can only have an emotional love reaction to other men, more power to you.

Just had to say this. I myself am 100% straight. I only feel attraction and love towards women, but I understand what that feeling is and realize some people can be homosexual. Homosexuality can exist in other animals too.. (makes me wonder how the genes got passed down, but who knows.. perhaps they are really bi :confused: )

If you are secure in your sexuality, than this means you know 100% you can only feel attraction/love towards a woman. So what do you care if a gay guy responds to your message? Are you insecure about your sexuality too?? Think about it.

As of 5/1/05 BPEL = 6.50" EG = 5.25" 5/20/05 BPEL = 7.00" (This is at the peak right before an orgasm) EG = 5.38" First Goal BPEL = 8.50" EG = 6.25" FL > 5.00" (haven't done PE since about August of 2005)

Getting back into it for a week now, same goals as before, but..

1/10/2010 BPEL = 6.625", EG = 5.25" ... Really wish I did PE for the last 4+ years. Who knows where I would be at.

Originally Posted by nomadic_bone
I guess this site must be heaven for gays and Bi’s because of all the cocks chatting about their cocks here ahahahaha. Any kid can figure out that on such sites whats the type of crowds.

Gulp. I’d never though of that, but you must be right. What a cesspit.

Keep your back to the wall is my advice Nomad.

furthermore, you are completely new to this. Who are you to make statements that masturbation affects PE? I am pretty certain masturbation has nothing to do with PE gains. They are two separate systems. Rubbing your penis to orgasm versus jelqing your penis feels similar to the tissue. If orgasm affected gains, people who masturbated early in life would have small penises probably. Its like saying someone who lifts weights, then throws a frizby for 10 minutes after will not gain any new muscle.

I think you need to sit back, relax, and just READ and take in everything. Put your racism/extemeist points of view aside and just read all the guides, faqs, watch the videos (which includes watching guys use their penis) and use it logically, not emotionally.

EDIT: how old are you anyway?

As of 5/1/05 BPEL = 6.50" EG = 5.25" 5/20/05 BPEL = 7.00" (This is at the peak right before an orgasm) EG = 5.38" First Goal BPEL = 8.50" EG = 6.25" FL > 5.00" (haven't done PE since about August of 2005)

Getting back into it for a week now, same goals as before, but..

1/10/2010 BPEL = 6.625", EG = 5.25" ... Really wish I did PE for the last 4+ years. Who knows where I would be at.

Yeah bone,

Take it easy there, im completely 100% straight ( although i have wondered what it would be like to suck a guys cock ). But you should not come to this forum with that attitude. And you should be dam grateful to receive some advice from a gay guy.

I would have no problem talking to a gay, black , asian , alien whatever. They are here to give me advice if i need it, and i welcome them with open arms.


come on fulham.

Welcome nomadic_bone, I’m a straight up guy but think all people are equal. I hope you can turn it down alittle. Yes this stuff really does work. :)


Starting: 6.25" BPEL x 5" EG on or before Aug. 04/93.

Aug. 04/05. 7.25" BPEL x 5.5" EG. -- Lastest: 7.625" BPEL x 5.625" EG on Aug. 07/06.

Goal: 8" BPEL x 6" EG or untill the little lady says ouch.

I am a newbie (again) also! But, Nom, your attitude is really the biggest issue! Being “perfect” you really should understand that you must disconnect your self-esteem from “the way you look” (6ft tall and muscular) to “who you are”(inside and out). Everything else will take care of itself! So you have a much longer way to go to “perfection” because it has nothing to do with the height of your stature or the like. That is the least accurate measurement of a man. And the least accurate judgement of anyone (including judging yourself).

Anyway, I can tell that you have a “mental Goliath” to tame, but continue the research, and work at PE (as well as everything else in life) as if it were impossible to fail. Then you won’t have to worry about your size. The main thing women want is: HARD and Long-Lastingly Skillful! The mental closeness is the key. It’s a shame that most think that the mechanical penis is the only part of sex that women are interested in. Sex is a lot more than just a long penis.

You can do it, Nom! Stick to it and believe you cannot fail!


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