Thunder's Place

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New guy, Need advice.

New guy, Need advice.

Hi. I have been doing this for 2 days. I am uncircumsized. I dont know if i should be doing a specific routine for being uncircumsized. My routine is 10 minute stretches, and atleast 200 jelqs (i dont count but i know i do that or past that) for 2 seconds high pressure. Anyway, it looks and feels like my skin is bigger and swelling more than my penis. Is this normal? i cant tell and i am confused on if there is some kind of uncirc. excersise routine. I also need to grow quick and stuff. Anyway, i would appreciate some help. Thank you.

Are you doing jelqs with a lube? A lot of uncirc’d guys use a dry jelq method which uses the skin as the “lube” and puts the pressure on the inner structures. Using a wet style and keeping the glans covered with the foreskin tends to put stress more on the skin.

I do dry. The skin is all pumped mid shaft to head making it look like when a frog croaks. its weird. i pull the skin upwards while i do it. making it curl over the head half way. i dont know if that has anything to do with it.

Welcome to Thunder’s, NeedGrowFast.

You say, “I also need to grow quick and stuff.” I think if you hope to find a quick fix here, you’re in the wrong place. PE takes time, (in many cases a lot of time), dedication, and consistent, disciplined application, i.e., hard work.

Good luck, pal. I hope you find a routine that works for you.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


needgrow don´t expect to grow so fast, it takes time. As for your currente problem, I suppose you´re jelking from the base all the way to the tip of your dick, so your foreskin curls at gets swollen. Don´t. The only proper wayto jelq is from the base to the beginning of the head or glans. You only jelq the shaft.

I searched “uncut, jelq, hold” and found this method from this post of jelqking’s which maybe could help:

First of all do a warm up then get a partial but not full erection, make an O ring using your your thumb and index finger and place it about an inch or less from the base, at this point you dont want to apply pressure, just enough to hold the skin.Then pull the skin down to base and apply pressure and pull the skin and blood inside the penis up as far as you can go, once you reach the furthest point towards the head release the pressure but without releasing your hand slid it back to the base without rubbing the skin but rather moving the skin. Repeat

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