Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New Kinsey Size Study, you will NOT believe it

I’ve really trimmed down this year. Despite having lost 1/4” BPEL from a recent decon break, my dick actually looks bigger. I attribute this to 1) a smaller fat pad and 2) a smaller ass, which makes my dick look bigger by comparison.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
I’ve really trimmed down this year. Despite having lost 1/4” BPEL from a recent decon break, my dick actually looks bigger. I attribute this to 1) a smaller fat pad and 2) a smaller ass, which makes my dick look bigger by comparison.

Hmmm… maybe we should start a thread solely dedicated to “AR”: “Ass Reduction”.


Well I made my biggest PE gains just by reading this thread! I went from slightly above average to Huge! Now I’m sporting a monster!

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

Originally Posted by dicktator
Just got off the phone with
I spoke to a nice woman there who knew way too much about penis size.

Did you get her phone number?


Yo dicktator,

Hope I don’t sound too dumb or anything, but are you sure she meant erect length? You say NBP but never mention the word “erect”. Not to be nit-picky, just trying to get the facts straight.


"I don't understand how America doesn't understand Thug Life... America IS Thug Life!"

- Tupac Shakur

Thanks for the study rundown Dictator!

The second thing today that has really made my day :)

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."

Les Brown

Originally Posted by Pud
Well I made my biggest PE gains just by reading this thread! I went from slightly above average to Huge!

This survey REALLY makes me feel great.
You tend to forget about the average dude out there when you linger around TP and all the well equipped guys here.

Man I’m just surprised he ain’t dead yet

Did they have results by country?

It’s what I’ve been saying all along here—six inches NBEL is big. Five is average—I’m guessing the under five because as you say the increasing fat pad. There’s a lot of men out there who aren’t sleeping around because they feel self-conscious about having four-inch cock, so it’s kind of self-selecting in what you hear from women about size.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Good question. If not currently available I’ll be watching for it’s release. I’m wondering how they were able to staff measure thousands of randomly chosen guys. They did a “study” (poll it actually was) in 2003 involving thousands but no mention of size, just that condoms being too tight caused breakage.

Last edited by beenthere : 06-21-2006 at .

Thank goodness, when I read this title I thought they were going to say something like the new average was 8”

For our demands most moderate are,

We only want the earth.

James Connolly

Really nice. But a link would be even nicer. We’ll have to wait for the publish I guess..

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)


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