Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New Kinsey Size Study, you will NOT believe it

New Kinsey Size Study, 4.75 inches

Just got off the phone with
I spoke to a nice woman there who knew way too much about penis size.
She not only told me about the new sizes theyfit will offer soon but she told me about a study commissioned by Kinsey with the help of

The study is a global study involving thousands of men who were chosen randomly by Kinsey.
These men were fitted using the fitkit and ordered condoms from
If the size wasn’t perfect, they were allowed to reorder one size smaller or one size bigger.

What they found was shocking!!

The average penis length NBP measured from the top was 4.75 inches!!

There are several factors which make this a great study.
1)Men were chosen “randomly”.
2)Men fit themselves with the fitkit.
3)Men tried on the condoms and were allowed to reorder 1 size bigger or smaller to get the most optimal fit.
4)They were then measured by physicians NBP
5)The final size of the average condom was B77

These numbers jive more closely with those studies where physicians measured penises as compared to the studies which were self-reported, like the initial Kinsey study.

In addition, they used a global population so the Asian populace may have brought the average down somewhat.
The average white male in the United States is probably bigger than 4.75 inches in length, IMO.

The study is currently unpublished but she believed it would be published in a major US medical journal or The Lancet by the end of the year.

She did not have an exact number of participants but said it was in the thousands!

For Kinsey, they got the size data they always wanted.
And for theyfit, they found out exactly how accurate their fitkit was when tried on real world live measured penises; for instance, they had numbers for length and girth for each letter and number combination but they were merely theoretical — now they have been verified!
As a result of this study as well as other feedback, a brand new fitkit will be coming out soon with the new sizes on it, totalling 95 sizes in all!

Last edited by dicktator : 06-21-2006 at .

It’s about time we got tailored condoms! We practically have everything else tailored.. I’ll have a gander at the site for some more info. Gj

Very interesting dicktator.

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That’s what I was going to say TBO. ;)

1. I believe it ( I think).

2. Deciding what size condom fits best is such an arbitrary decision since they stretch so much. A guy who is 8x6 and likes a tight condom might choose the same condom as a 6x5 guy who likes them looser.

(I don’t mean the exact same condom, that would be gross!)

Horny Bastard

Interesting study.

: hands on hips, shakes head, and mumbles to self: “Son of a bitch…and I thought 4.75 would be considered small. Apparently not.”

The whole fact that it was 4.75 NBP is interesting considering the increasing rate of obesity. It would be interesting to see the BPEL in the study (if they did one).

A bone pressed EL measurement would be useless to a condom company.

In my perfect world that would be true. However, with only common sense as my witness it is ridiculous to say the average world penis size is 4.75 inches, that puts small at 3 inches and large at 6 inches.

Starting: (2/1/06) (nbpel=7.8) (bpel=8.15) (eg=5 3/16)

06/29/07: (nbpel=8 1/2) (bpel=9) (mid eg=6) (base eg 6.25)

Comparison Pictures, 8in to 9in= My Comparison Pic thread.

I’m just surprised that the average is not smaller considering the obesity rate.

Originally Posted by Mr. Nine
I’m just surprised that the average is not smaller considering the obesity rate.

I didn’t think of that.
I have lost about 30 pounds in past year and I did gain .8 inches on my NBP length.

Originally Posted by UserName86
A bone pressed EL measurement would be useless to a condom company.

This is true. What I was getting at was whether the BPEL was similar to previous studies, whereas the NBPEL was shrinking. In other words, the average penis size isn’t shrinking, but more so we are getting fatter.

Originally Posted by dicktator
I didn’t think of that.
I have lost about 30 pounds in past year and I did gain .8 inches on my NBP length.

Damnit!!! That’s great, I need all the inspiration I can get, this diet is gonna kill me. :)

Originally Posted by Mr. Nine
Damnit!! That’s great, I need all the inspiration I can get, this diet is gonna kill me. :)

I wanna lose another 10 pounds to get back to my college weight and am hopeful for a gain of an additional 0.2 inches for a total gain of 1 inch from fat loss alone.

It is a huge difference, from 5 inches NBP to 6 inches NBP without PE!


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