Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New Kinsey Size Study, you will NOT believe it

Originally Posted by mravg
Ha ha. What are you talking about? We don’t need different sized condoms! Regular condoms fit perfectly, like magic!

Seriously, I’m not saying a standard sized condom is perfect for everyone, but 55 different sizes sounds like bullshit to me. Look at how much hand sizes vary, yet latex gloves seem to make everyone happy with 4 to 6 sizes max (xs to xxl). Leatex stretches. You talk about the O vs G sizes. What is the actual difference between those two lengths. Oh, and dicktator, do you happen to work for condomania or

The penis is a different game than hands, which are essentially bones covered in flesh.
Movable bones at the joints.

I cannot cum in a regular sized condom and it is difficult for me to cum in a magnum XL.
But with the O17s, I can cum in 30 seconds if I want, though they are still not optimal.

Why shouldn’t we have the perfect fit.

I wish I worked for theyfit! As it is I spend way too much money on condoms.
And I don’t work for condomania, either.
I am in the healthcare field.

Ok, perhaps I will call tomorrow when I have more privacy. That’s if I can figure out how to block caller ID. Maybe someone else will call before then and post the answer about how they managed to acquire physician measurements of thousands of guys spread across the planet.

Last edited by beenthere : 06-21-2006 at .

I urge everybody to call so we can get more details.
Plus I want to make sure that I wasn’t talking to some crackpot!
But to me, this girl was very knowledeable about the penis and seemed very sincere.
I wanted to ask her what she thought about PE, but I didn’t have the balls.

So get to callin’, boys.

Originally Posted by beenthere
That’s if I can figure out how to block caller ID.

*68 and then dial the number.

Horny Bastard

A possible flaw in the Kinsey/TheyFit study alliance is that each group is interested in a different measurement base. Kinsey wants to know total penis length, whether they measure NBP or BP, whereas TheyFit is interested in the place at which a condom will unroll near the base and stay there. The TheyFit instructions say, “Place under erection only down as far as condom would unroll.” If you are using a tight condom and have a thicker base than shaft, it won’t unroll and stabilize so far down; if a wider condom, it will unroll further.

So, did the Kinsey people report erections measured by unrolled condom length or did they report total shaft length? This would make a significant difference in results.



What’s so hard to believe? Didn’t the study with the Italian soldiers come close to that number?

Originally Posted by zaneblue
There’s a lot of men out there who aren’t sleeping around because they feel self-conscious about having four-inch cock, so it’s kind of self-selecting in what you hear from women about size.

I would have to disagree somewhat with that statement. If that number is a true average — which it quite possibly is — then it would mean that not only are men with 4- to 5-inch cocks sleeping around; they having children, which, in turn, keep the average at that number.

The average is what it is. We on this forum, and other PE forums, have somewhat of a skewed view on penis size. We’re focused simply on being bigger. Not that a lot of men aren’t focused on penis size and being bigger; but we actually try to do something about it.

Originally Posted by avocet8
A possible flaw in the Kinsey/TheyFit study alliance is that each group is interested in a different measurement base. Kinsey wants to know total penis length, whether they measure NBP or BP, whereas TheyFit is interested in the place at which a condom will unroll near the base and stay there. The TheyFit instructions say, “Place under erection only down as far as condom would unroll.” If you are using a tight condom and have a thicker base than shaft, it won’t unroll and stabilize so far down; if a wider condom, it will unroll further.

So, did the Kinsey people report erections measured by unrolled condom length or did they report total shaft length? This would make a significant difference in results.

That is an excellent point.
The woman did mention that physicians measured, though.

Hopefully more people will call condomania so we can get more reports from different employees.

Is it a free kit?

5/16/06 - BPSFL: 7" BPEL: 6.5" EL: 6" EG: 4.75"

Goal - 7.5"x5.5"

"If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all."

Well I think that we are missing a major flaw in this study. TheyFit is only using data from their sales. You have too ask yourself who is most likely to purchase a custom fit condom. I think that average guy is most likely to choose a condom from a regular condom manufacture. That lives guys that are small and large. Judging from what I read at thunders large guys are more likely to buy at the store, just to show-off. That lives smaller guys who I would think prefer to order online.

Thunder made a good point about dictator filling in the missing pieces of his thread by calling again. However, I was considering calling anyhow, but upon reflection I afterwards realised I’m not going to be able to call. My wife knows about my PEing, and her one negative response to PE has been that I might want to cheat as a result of growing, even though she really knows I won’t cheat- her ex husband cheated on her and she has never fully gotten over it. Our phone records list would show I called a 1-800 company and talked for several minutes. She probably wouldn’t notice the outgoing call, it’s rare she looks at the list, but if she did and asked I’m not willing to lie about who it was to, and being that it is to a place that sells condoms (and we don’t use condoms) it might cause her some worry no matter what I said, so I’m just not going to chance it.

Originally Posted by pauladventurese
Well I think that we are missing a major flaw in this study. TheyFit is only using data from their sales. You have too ask yourself who is most likely to purchase a custom fit condom. I think that average guy is most likely to choose a condom from a regular condom manufacture. That lives guys that are small and large. Judging from what I read at thunders large guys are more likely to buy at the store, just to show-off. That lives smaller guys who I would think prefer to order online.

And larger guys who don’t care about showing off in a store and just want a good fit for sex.



I think the problem with these fitted condoms, when you really analyze who they might be really marketed for, it might very well be those that want the protection from an unwanted pregnancy moreso than std’s (basically married and monogamous relationships). In that case all you need is something that stays on and catches the sperm while providing that barrier from the ejaculation. If some of the shaft of the penis is exposed and the condom stays on, the sensitivity is at 100% for that portion that is uncovered. There you would need a very tight fit for the condom. In this case, condom makers are probably sitting in a board room deciding on this based on making cost cuts and material quantities production run in the factors of production. The idea is, they sell you half or 2/3 the latex and continue to sell the same number of condoms at the same or higher prices depending upon inflation ? Cost per unit, literally and figuratively. If a condom maker has customers ordering on-line for a fitted condom, that saves in terms of inventory on the shelf, those that go unused and spoil and so on. Customers order, they pay for shipping and handling as a surcharge to the purchase. This whole industry/business, based certainly upon profitabilty, but there is a social responsibility too involved. 4.75 in length, that would have to stretch considerably. Perhaps the material is thinner, more stretchable or whatever other technological advancements in materials have been made ?


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