Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New Kinsey Size Study, you will NOT believe it

Wow you guys are having a lot of fun with the water bottle comment, I meant that for length reference not girth, and I did not mean the entire bottle. I was just given an example of things that might be in a average room when the topic came up and were used as a reference as opposed to just holding up their hands. Just some quick questions - why is it every time in this forum that a woman is mentioned preferring an above average penis ( whatever average might be) she is automatically a slut and a whore? And if “large” penises are so hard for women to accept why is every ones goals so large?

I don’t necessarily think she is a slut or a whore, but I do doubt her ability to measure, or judge sizes correctly.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains


All the women in my experience prefer large penises, and I don’t consider them sluts.

Originally Posted by mgus
that measure in metric and talk imperial,


Originally Posted by PussyCat
Well I am not that surprised, because I have played alot of sport, so have been in many shower rooms and changing rooms.

The ones I have seen flaccid have measured between about 1 inch and the biggest was around 6 inches, and the average being around 3 inches, my own goes up to about 1’ 75” more when erect, which is about the average amount I suppose for an average size penis, so that would puts the survey about right at 4.75 erect when not bone pressed at all.


I have to agree with this quote and it is also my same experience. Loosen up - get laid.

Yep! I think the 6 inch average comes from the part that can’t even be seen or used lol!

Mine is only about 1/2 inch but with some as stated above is much more.

This PE is good btw, my flaccid is up to 4 1/2 inches allready, not added much erect, and the girth has allways been ok, but .25 added on both.

Any followup?

A few more days Mgus, and the transformation will be both complete and irreversible.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

I just want to comment for the asian population. I’m half korean and i am 6x5, so don’t think that all asian have small units. Just the same thought that not all black guys have big ones.

Originally Posted by siouxfallssd
I just want to comment for the asian population. I’m half korean and i am 6x5, so don’t think that all asian have small units. Just the same thought that not all black guys have big ones.

And half of all people don’t have dicks so what’s your point?
On average, blacks are bigger than asians!


And half of all people don’t have dicks so what’s your point?

I’m half Asian, the other half a particular white breed notorious for teeny weenies. I am over 7x5. UP YOURS! Do away with this “I’m so insecure” stereo type prejudice BS!

I was dreaming when I thought it couldn't done, but now I know I have work to do.

Came with: NBPEL 5.875, EG @ Scarline 4.5 Mustered up: 7 x 5 Looking for: 9 x 6 Will settle for: 8 x 5.5

Originally Posted by Dangle

I’m half Asian, the other half a particular white breed notorious for teeny weenies. I am over 7x5. UP YOURS! Do away with this “I’m so insecure” stereo type prejudice BS!

Uh, it’s proven medical fact that Asians have smaller average penises than blacks and whites.
Any legitimate medical study in the urology literature with show this fact!
It’s average, not every single Asian person!
Why are you so upset?
You should be happy, you are a big Asian!

Or is everybody created equal?
Women are just as tall as men?
Asians are just as tall as Scandinavians?

Oh, and there is a correlation between height and dick size!
That’s right, a correlation, so don’t go telling me about your buddy who is 4 feet tall with a 9 inch wang.
If you do so, you really should look up the word correlation on wikipedia.

Denial is the favorite emotion of the Jihadist.


Denial is the favorite emotion of the Jihadist.[

Like I said, Up Yours. Infant.

I was dreaming when I thought it couldn't done, but now I know I have work to do.

Came with: NBPEL 5.875, EG @ Scarline 4.5 Mustered up: 7 x 5 Looking for: 9 x 6 Will settle for: 8 x 5.5


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