Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Newbi here


Newbi here

Yo guys.

So I’m a 19 year old and I’m still living at my parents house with 2 sister so was wondering how do you guys find time and privacy to do those sort of things if you have a family?

My story really sucks. I come from a family where all males are tall and have a big dick from what I saw, I know that my dad has a big penis and he jokes about our family big pines size alot now and when I was a little boy..

Really sucks that I got so unlucky by being short and with lenight of 12 cm and girth of around the same whice is prob less then his when his is flaccid.. Can’t even put on normal condoms, and I always don’t go with chicks who want me because I lack confidence even tho I’m a quite good looking guy and get hit on alot.. Never kissed and never done anything else out of fear..

Just pouring out my sad story.

Hope I could somehow mange to do PE and get some actually good gains with out injury and using any devices pills or cream like that since I believe its most likely a scam..

Maybe my good genes will somehow jump out of their hole and ill actually get a big dick :D

Sorry for all those talk just something I had on my heart for a long time, if anyone want to hear more from me I’m here..

Ty !

Welcome to Thunders Melman.

We find the time through creative means. 10 minutes cycles in the bathroom, concealed systems worn under clothing, early mornings and late evenings when others are sleeping; we make it happen and so can you.

Your size is completely usable and nothing to be ashamed of. You are denying women from benefiting from all that you are and even worse depriving yourself from amazing sexual experiences that will support your growth in both overall confidence and as a lover. Yes some women suck, so do some men, so we stay away from them. They typically suck regardless of the size of the man’s penis they are hooking up with. So yes you will encounter some short sighted people, but why let them stop you from taking shots on goal? Remember, the women you are about to hook up with are typically just as concerned about what you will think of them, ease their concerns and they will ease yours, together you will have a great hookup free from fear. Be an animal in bed, don’t look back.

PE is marathon, not a sprint, so prepare for the long haul and we typically recommend beginning with the Newbie Routine, which is a manual based program. It’s a good way to get acquainted with PE.

Welcome to Thunders my friend!

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Welcome to the forum!

You still have few years of natural growth left, which should happen till 21-23 years. Until then, don’t force it. Isn’t clear if PE halts or improves the natural growth.

If I had the opportunity to go back to 19 and start PEing, I would start on linear newbie routine and would limit myself at the classic newbie routine. Equipments usage isn’t sensible to use, being this fresh into the game. Get your penis ready first.

Healthy habits are the best aid to PE.

About the privacy, a locked door works for me, but that depends on the person that’s on the other side of the door.

Good luck!

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Originally Posted by Lenny

You still have few years of natural growth left, which should happen till 21-23 years. Until then, don’t force it. Isn’t clear if PE halts or improves the natural growth.

Didnt quite understood if you meant I should wait a few years till I think about PE or just do the newbie routine for now?

If you decided to do PE, go easy at it.

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

You’ve come to the right place buddy! Everyone here is super supportive (as you can see from the responses) and will help anyway they can! I think LittleEngine has set you up with the right mindset and Lenny has set you up with a perfect starting routine. You’ve got this!

I see this situation very often, and I don’t really understand it. Why men worry about size or many other things? Let women worry about that. Let me explain it. It’s not for you to decide how good is your dick. It’s up for women who are going to be with you. And it’s up for them to decide is that important for them or not. Why you make decisions instead of them? It might be silly, but no matter which size you have, their opinions are going to split. Someone is going to like that, someone is not. Some women like small size and hate big dicks, some women are opposite. Some women don’t have preference at all.

Somehow many men think their opinion about their size is more important than opinion of women who deal with their dicks. I’m not even sure size is even important, I think it’s more about insecurity. People just have some hesitation, and they pick anything to justify that. So decide for yourself, do you wanna some actions with women or not? Penis size isn’t reason at all, it has nothing to do with your desire.

Starting : 7.6 BPEL, 5.5 MEG

Current: 8.1 BPEL, 5.7 MEG

Goal: To understand what makes penis to grow.

Originally Posted by MelmanXD

Yo guys.

So I’m a 19 year old and I’m still living at my parents house with 2 sister so was wondering how do you guys find time and privacy to do those sort of things if you have a family?

My story really sucks. I come from a family where all males are tall and have a big dick from what I saw, I know that my dad has a big penis and he jokes about our family big pines size alot now and when I was a little boy..

My father’s family is also like that tall men (1,85m+) and big penises (at least from what I’ve heard and sometimes see through speedos or swimming trunks) then my mother’s family are also tall, but I do not know about their penises. Then I am now at 22 yo 1,74~1,75m and had a average penis, good part is PE made me considered Big.

started April 2017 BPEL 16,7cm x 13,3cm EG Last measurement BPEL 20 cm x 14,8 cm EG

My progress, thoughts and pictures

Rotated Penis? Unbalanced Ligaments? Lack of Gains through Manual Routine?

Originally Posted by c3ifador

My father’s family is also like that tall men (1,85m+) and big penises (at least from what I’ve heard and sometimes see through speedos or swimming trunks) then my mother’s family are also tall, but I do not know about their penises. Then I am now at 22 yo 1,74~1,75m and had a average penis, good part is PE made me considered Big.

I mean how is 17 cm average man XD

Originally Posted by qweqweqad1

I see this situation very often, and I don’t really understand it. Why men worry about size or many other things? Let women worry about that. Let me explain it. It’s not for you to decide how good is your dick. It’s up for women who are going to be with you. And it’s up for them to decide is that important for them or not. Why you make decisions instead of them? It might be silly, but no matter which size you have, their opinions are going to split. Someone is going to like that, someone is not. Some women like small size and hate big dicks, some women are opposite. Some women don’t have preference at all.

Somehow many men think their opinion about their size is more important than opinion of women who deal with their dicks. I’m not even sure size is even important, I think it’s more about insecurity. People just have some hesitation, and they pick anything to justify that. So decide for yourself, do you wanna some actions with women or not? Penis size isn’t reason at all, it has nothing to do with your desire.

Well I get your point I really do, but its easier said then done.

Especially when I always fell so close to having a big dick or at least bigger dick then the one I have now which again doesn’t even fit in regular condoms, but I just didn’t get lucky enough.

I really do think that if I wouldn’t have known about my miss or if it was just my family dick size id be fine but I always get those thought about what could have been when I pee when I jerk off or even when I touch my balls..

Just hope its something ill either be able to grow out of or accept.

At the end of the day I really don’t have any control over it but I did get girls asking me “is he big” and you know I just could get myself to say nah its way below average.,..

And the fact that its ugly not flexible and has ppp doenst really help it.. :D

I totally understand wanting to improve your size for the same reasons that I want to improve my own.

That said, understand that it’s more for us than it is for the ladies. My wife and I are very open and honest with each other about sex and she’s told me that she’s been with guys significantly larger than me. None of them brought her orgasms. The only guy before me to do that for had around a 4” member, based on her estimation.

On top of that, since you are still young and have some more natural growth potential, I would recommend some supplements and lots of exercise. Maximizing your natural testosterone and growth hormone levels is going to give you the best chance to have some more growth down there, as I understand it.

I would also recommend getting into a doctor to have your testosterone levels checked. I wish I had done it in my early twenties. I had low testosterone for a long time without ever realizing it, and after getting on bi-weekly testosterone shots my energy level and erection quality not to mention my libido have gone through the roof.

Starting Stats Jan 2019 - BPEL: 6.75", MSEG: 5.875"

Now - BPEL: 7.0625", MSEG: 6.25"

Start the newbie routine and start working out aswell.

Your confidence will shoot to the sky.

Goal:8" BPEL

5.25" MSEG

Originally Posted by Gurks
I totally understand wanting to improve your size for the same reasons that I want to improve my own.

That said, understand that it’s more for us than it is for the ladies. My wife and I are very open and honest with each other about sex and she’s told me that she’s been with guys significantly larger than me. None of them brought her orgasms. The only guy before me to do that for had around a 4” member, based on her estimation.

On top of that, since you are still young and have some more natural growth potential, I would recommend some supplements and lots of exercise. Maximizing your natural testosterone and growth hormone levels is going to give you the best chance to have some more growth down there, as I understand it.

I would also recommend getting into a doctor to have your testosterone levels checked. I wish I had done it in my early twenties. I had low testosterone for a long time without ever realizing it, and after getting on bi-weekly testosterone shots my energy level and erection quality not to mention my libido have gone through the roof.

I actually did check I lately but for hairloss, think it was around 11.2 while the range is 5-25 I think.. Don’t know much about it tho.
Well I’m not saying I have a small dick then in going to be bad in bed 100% but I’m saying It doesn’t help first of all because of it physically less big but more because girls love and think with their mind way more then guys, I think people saying size doesn’t matter are delusional, it does matter but it’s not the only factor, big dick doesn’t mean good lover and the other way around but again it does help.

More than anything, I think confidence matters.

There’s just very little that will increase that confidence more knowing you swing a big dick. It’s a substantial part of why I’ve started PE, and I’ve heard a lot of other guys say the same.

I’m trying hard to get the rest of my body in better shape too. Why stop at building muscle and losing fat if more options are on the table? I’m 6’4”, and if there was a reasonable way to get to 6’6”, I’d be trying that too.

I think you’re on the right track! This seems like a great place to improve more than just your penis. Given the sort of communities I’m used to seeing on forums, I’m continually shocked (in a good way) at how remarkably positive and supportive the community here is.

Starting Stats Jan 2019 - BPEL: 6.75", MSEG: 5.875"

Now - BPEL: 7.0625", MSEG: 6.25"

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