Newbie gains - Disheartened
Dear all
I’ve been at it for a bit more than two months, about. I noticed an instant change in my unit’s flaccid state - fuller, fleshier, nice and floppy and pendulous, and never turtling. Before, in its un-PE’d state, it used to turtle all the time, and I guess I’m a shower more than anything else, so that bothered me.
Anyway, in the first few weeks I was ecstatic at the prospect of growing what I thought could never be grown, plus, apparently seeing it happen right before my eyes.
However, lately I’ve started to have doubts. I’ve read thoughtfulgold and others’ comments about newbie gains - most say it’s just improved blood flow, so basically your unit is at its natural best, no more, no less. In my case, I seemed to gain immediately in flaccid girth especially, and also length. Thoughtfulgold says newbie gains are “just improvements in EQ” - well, I’m on a nofap regime, so rarely have full erections, and I avoid playing with it, because I don’t want it to get the wrong idea, if you know what I mean.
I have noticed this though, that I have various positive indicators, for example far more frequent spontaneous wood, especially during the night, but those erections are not particularly impressive.
Bottom line is this - I’m following my version of the newbie routine, art the moment 120 jelqs in the evening followed by some manual stretching. Lately I’ve discovered that I can stretch my unit under my thigh and sit on it and stretch it for more extended periods while I watch tv or am online. But lately, one, I’ve been noticing it turtling again, to my great distress, and also am coming to the conclusion that there hasn’t been any real growth. I did measure a couple of weeks back, and there was no change since the beginning.
I’d appreciate any comments or perspective or motivation. I’m not giving up, but I am feeling pretty disheartened at the moment.
Many thanks.
The sleeper must awaken