Thunder's Place

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Where are my newbie gains


Where are my newbie gains

I have been on the newbie routine for a little over two months. I have been pretty consistent, too. I do notice serious improvement - flaccid length has increased a lot, my cock looks way thicker, the veins look a lot more prominent.

But what about length gains? I read about all those guys gaining like half an inch during their first two months of PE (I.e. Said newbie gains before gaining gets tougher). I have gained about 1/6 of an inch max (not sure if my measurement technique has changed during those two months).

So.. What do I do?

Do you get any negative or positive PIs?

You shouldn’t get discouraged with your gains so far. Not all people get big newbie gains. For some it took 6 months or even more to start gaining.

Thanks for replying. “PIs” is not in the abbreviations list (Glossary) - what does it mean?

Just because other guys get those newbie gains doesn’t mean everyone will. Different things work for different people, Even if your not gaining you are conditioning your unit so you can move on to other exercise that you never know might make your gains explode.

Just find your niche. It took me a while to figure out what worked for my gains. The people here are extremely helpful and inspirational, so if you have trouble someone will be able to help.

Originally Posted by gjurob
See this article:
Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!

Well, according to these I should be good:

Now for the definite Positive PIs;
-Larger flaccid hang lasting all day.. Yep
-Increased nite and morning wood.. Yep
-Increased hardness of erections.. Mostly on off days, but yes
-Increase of normal size.. As I said, 1/6 of an inch in 2 months

Another thing: I never got those any of those red dots on the glans. I figured this is a good thing (you know, no injuries). Also, after the workouts my dick does feel exhausted, so I’m probably using the correct intensity. But does the non-occurrence of red dots mean anything with regards to the exercises?

Ashore im pretty much in the same situation, whats your routine?

5 min warm up in bath
10 min stretch
100-140 jelqs
5 min stretch cool down

Start Feb 09: BPEL = 7", EG = 5"

Goal Aug 09: BPEL = 7.5", EG 5.25"

I’m doing the newbie routine posted somewhere on here.

I skip the warmup because I do PE directly after getting out of bed in the morning, so my unit is warmed up already. After that:
10 min stretches
30 min wet jelq
5 min or so kegels

You should really throw a warm up and cool down into your routine, when that hot water gets on your dick it really helps your workout and gains, cool down is important too. I dont think waking up counts as warming up. Warm up for at least 5 mins, I let the bathwater run on hot and just soak my dick in the hot water ( not too hot, but more on the hot side then warm side) helps all my workouts.

Originally Posted by AShore
Well, according to these I should be good:

Now for the definite Positive PIs;
-Larger flaccid hang lasting all day.. Yep
-Increased nite and morning wood.. Yep
-Increased hardness of erections.. Mostly on off days, but yes
-Increase of normal size.. As I said, 1/6 of an inch in 2 months

Another thing: I never got those any of those red dots on the glans. I figured this is a good thing (you know, no injuries). Also, after the workouts my dick does feel exhausted, so I’m probably using the correct intensity. But does the non-occurrence of red dots mean anything with regards to the exercises?

If you are getting the positive PIs that you’ve just listed and no negative PIs, you should continue with your current routine for as long as it is producing gains.

Red dots are a neutral PI and their absence is not important for judging the effectiveness of your routine.

You should not skip the warm up as it makes your unit a lot more workable and reduces the chances of injury.

Originally Posted by AShore
I’m doing the newbie routine posted somewhere on here.

I skip the warmup because I do PE directly after getting out of bed in the morning, so my unit is warmed up already. After that:
10 min stretches
30 min wet jelq
5 min or so kegels

I concur with not missing a warm up. Bad idea. Buy a Bed Buddy heating pad and you’ll be set. I can’t praise that wonderful item enough. Beats the hell out of wet towel wraps and other messy methods. All you do is microwave it for 1:30 to 2:00 depending on how strong your microwave is and either wrap or lay it on top of your penis. I let it sit for ten minutes and I guarantee your penis will be more pliable and stretchy after the warm up.

How was your EQ before you started? Mine was pretty bad because I was drinking heavily every damn night. I noticed most my gains were coming from a great improvement in EQ. I think the common thought around here is that “newbie gains” are more of an improvement in EQ.

Starting 10/08 - 7.125" EL x 4.5" MSEG

As of 12/08- 7.5" EL x 4.75" MSEG

As of 1/19/08 - 7.75" bpel(previous 7.5" was due to inaccurate ruler) x 4.875" MSEG

Originally Posted by Mr. Bidnez
How was your EQ before you started? Mine was pretty bad because I was drinking heavily every damn night. I noticed most my gains were coming from a great improvement in EQ. I think the common thought around here is that “newbie gains” are more of an improvement in EQ.

Well, that was never much of an issue with me, EQ was always good.

Why are so guys so convinced that warming up is still a necessity even when exercising directly after getting up? It’s really warm in bed, so I think I’m all set even without an additional warm-up.

I agree that warm-up is a good thing. I don’t think it’s a good idea doing PE right after getting up - your penis is more prone to injuries IMHO.

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