Thunder's Place

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Newbie gains and EQ quality


Newbie gains and EQ quality

I realize some are simply fast gainers, but I wonder how much of initial gains come strictly from improved EQ?
I gained about 3/8” in the first month, which may be a bit more than just improved quality, but sometimes I just feel that it is simply EQ quality that the size has come from.
Then after the EQ size levels off, gains come much slower.
Of course guys who gain 1/2”+ can’t simply be from EQ quality, but maybe something like 1/4” is?

Any thoughts?

Start Dec 10 \'07: BPEL 6 2/16" | EG 5 1/4"

Feb 4: BPEL 6 11/16" | EG 5 2/4"

Short Term Goal: BPEL 7" | EG 5 3/4" Long Term Goal: BPEL 7 3/4 - 8" | EG 6"

Nope, a gain is gain. EQ is a result of PE or it should be.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I can understand your theory, but from measurements that I’ve made, I’m a little longer when not 100% erect then when I am. So I don’t think that initial gains can be put down to EQ.

Dec \'23 -> Feb\'24 17.5cm -> 18.5cm BPEL / 12.7cm -> 13.1 MSEG / 18.5cm -> 18.9cm BPFSL (measuring in mm for accuracy)

My First Real Attempt:

2006 Start: 6.25" BPEL and 5" EG - 2012 7.625" BPEL / 4.875" EG / 8.063" BPFSL. (All manual routine)

Originally Posted by IvanDrago
I realize some are simply fast gainers, but I wonder how much of initial gains come strictly from improved EQ?

Any thoughts?

If it is from better EQ, great!

If not, great!

Sept. 4, '07: BPEL 6.875 inches, EG widest 5.25

Goal: Double digits

Originally Posted by IvanDrago
I realize some are simply fast gainers, but I wonder how much of initial gains come strictly from improved EQ?
I gained about 3/8” in the first month, which may be a bit more than just improved quality, but sometimes I just feel that it is simply EQ quality that the size has come from.
Then after the EQ size levels off, gains come much slower.
Of course guys who gain 1/2”+ can’t simply be from EQ quality, but maybe something like 1/4” is?

Any thoughts?

I think it comes from both. Proper PE will give you much harder erections, which will result in a larger erection. I think any success from pills come from compounds that improve erectile hardness, so some guys do see a larger erection.

So, you may be right, some newbie gains that come to a screeching halt may be due to increased hardness. However, proper PE also results in tissue expansion. But you may have a point for guys that get quick gains and then see it come to a stop and no small adjustment of their routine gets it going again.

Nice to see you thinking.

Good posts :)

Start Dec 10 \'07: BPEL 6 2/16" | EG 5 1/4"

Feb 4: BPEL 6 11/16" | EG 5 2/4"

Short Term Goal: BPEL 7" | EG 5 3/4" Long Term Goal: BPEL 7 3/4 - 8" | EG 6"

Could also be from inhibited growth. Maybe the shaft for whatever reason never reached its full potential.

For me, In my 20s I used to get the most hard of hard erections and even at times would reach a new level of girth.
Maybe a 16th of an inch which I would notice with my eyes. Not permanent.

But I never was over the 6inch mark. And believe me, I measured. I use to say, this has got to be over 6BPEL.
But I never made it and even just barely made 6. I think I fudged the last 1/6th.

I have never seen my unit at this length and I am sure many will get sick of hearing this, but I am amazed.

Originally Posted by bggrsbttr
Could also be from inhibited growth. Maybe the shaft for whatever reason never reached its full potential.

For me, In my 20s I used to get the most hard of hard erections and even at times would reach a new level of girth.
Maybe a 16th of an inch which I would notice with my eyes. Not permanent.

But I never was over the 6inch mark. And believe me, I measured. I use to say, this has got to be over 6BPEL.
But I never made it and even just barely made 6. I think I fudged the last 1/6th.

I have never seen my unit at this length and I am sure many will get sick of hearing this, but I am amazed.

Don’t get me wrong…PE works. Not ALL Newbie gains are due to increased hardness, but some are.

I’ve noticed that nearly all of my gains are from EQ. With my current EQ(near/at 100%) I have a BPEL near 6.5”. But sometimes I can’t get that hard for whatever reason, and I noticed my penis is at the same size as it used to be.

The only real permanent gains I have found are those of BPFSL.

What is EQ?

(I tried the search but nothing. Is it exercise quality or maybe emotional intelligence)

STARTING: BPEL: 5.7 G: 4.65, NOW: BPEL: 7.48 G: 5.7 GOAL L:8.7 G:6.3 (old goal; L:8.0 G: 6.0)


Disclaimer:The advices that I give of any sort are just stated on general laymen's knowledge.

EQ is erection quality.

Sparkyx I think what bggrsbttr means when he is saying that

Could also be from inhibited growth. Maybe the shaft for whatever reason never reached its full potential.

perhaps the genotype/genetically determined full penis size potential was suppresed by phenotype/eternal influences such as; tight clothing articles, diet,masturbation(uncertain) and other genotype influnces such as phimosis, hormonal imbalance, frenulum breve etcetera.. etcetera… but then again the other variances could have cancelled the actual “full potential size” and that maybe became the new permanent “full potential” size after puberty. So whatever pe we’re doing now is on a clean slate? Is what I’m saying understandable and credible?

Or could this full potential penis - altered penis size = additional easily obtainable growth when doing pe (which could also be gained along with pe induced growth) ???

Originally Posted by Evergrowing
Sparkyx I think what bggrsbttr means when he is saying that

perhaps the genotype/genetically determined full penis size potential was suppresed by phenotype/eternal influences such as; tight clothing articles, diet,masturbation(uncertain) and other genotype influnces such as phimosis, hormonal imbalance, frenulum breve etcetera.. etcetera… but then again the other variances could have cancelled the actual “full potential size” and that maybe became the new permanent “full potential” size after puberty. So whatever pe we’re doing now is on a clean slate? Is what I’m saying understandable and credible?

Or could this full potential penis - altered penis size = additional easily obtainable growth when doing pe (which could also be gained along with pe induced growth) ???

The tunica is made of layers of collagen, most guys have two. One goes length ways (longitudinal), one goes across (transverse). The collagen is in a wavey form that gives it an elastic like property. If you pull it straight, the wave like form helps pull back to its shorter state. This is aided by elastin fibers that augment this property.

Its interesting that of those that get good gains, them most common is about 1 inch, and far less two inches, even less three and four inches is almost unheard of.

It seems that the smaller the penis is below average, the greater the gains until it gets to about average. It has made me wonder if some of these small penises are due to more “wave” being in the collagen, and with proper PE they get it to relax more.

Perhaps the “growth” is just relaxing of the “wave” and when that is returned to a more average amount, “growth” slows or comes to a stop.

If this was correct or even partially correct then we should generally have more relative gains from smaller than normal guys, and less relative gains from guys that already are bigger than normal. That seems to be true, but that is just my impression with NO numbers to back it up…just an impression.

The only real hole in this concept is that it indicates that nature has genetically programmed “optimum” and everyone is just a variant of that…and that makes no sense at all to me. What I mean by that is that is like saying that human genetic program tunica collagen to be 6 inches long when under standard erectile inflation. Then specific individual genetics effect the degree of wave “bent” into that collagen, which then effects the size that guy will experience. Effective PE then allows additional straightening of the wave.

I think really perfect PE can cause actual growth, on a cellular level…but I think most guys that see gains experience at stretching or straightening of the collagen of the tunica.

It HAS to be something like that or guys that are getting good gains should just keep gaining…and that is EXTRAORDINARILY rare. Most only get so far…then hit a wall.

I’m not saying any of this is correct, its just some musings I have had on the subject.

Actually, there may be something to that idea. The way to investigate it is biopsies of tunica of volunteers…NEXT! ;0

The wave concept might be at least partially valid. It would explain the difference between showers and growers.

Showers would have straighter collagen (less elastin) and growers would have “wavier” collagen. Turning a grower into a shower involves straightening the collagen and/or damaging the elastin.

If your size has been limited by very wavy tunica, then things that increase your expansive pressure (internal tunica pressures) should increase your size. And it should show rather quickly. So, harder erections should mean bigger erections, much more so than someone with less “waviness” in the collagen.

sparkyx, I’m curious though. I am an EXTREME grower(can shrivel up to baby penis proportions.) But, my bpfls is shorter (maybe the same if I try to rip it off) than erect length.

Based on your grower theory, wouldn’t I be one of those who can stretch longer than bpel length?

On a side note, I DID grow an inch in length, then hit the proverbial wall(been a year now at current length.)

Enjoy your posts.

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