Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Newbie gains statistics at Thunders'


Newbie gains statistics at Thunders'

I’ve done a little research through the PE data from Thunders. I wanted to find out if there is a correlation between newbie gains and the initial size. If it could be proved that bigger gains are related to larger size, that would be a strong evidence supporting the theory claiming that newbie gains come from plastic deformation.

I have browsed through 550 member statistics (which make up around 15% of the available PE data on this site) looking for data about the first three months (considered newbie stage). I’ve found 108 usable statistics files. It is not a huge sample, but large enough for reliable results.
Here are some conclusions:

- There is absolutely no correlation between initial size and newbie gains, neither for length, nor for girth. This is not very good for the theory, but is good news for those who are starting PE with less endowment.
- The average length gain for newbies was 0.55”.
- The average girth gain for newbies was 0.28”.
- The average starting length was 6.37”.
- The average starting girth was 4.98”.

The initial size values are larger than the averages found on different penis size surveys, but that should be just the more likelihood of entering PE data those with larger size.

I’d like to comment on the high percent of unusable statistical data (around 80%). A few users skipped the newbie data from their statistics, but the vast majority of unusable files contained just the initial measurements and nothing more. That is 4 users out of 5 only entered the initial values. I think this is the early abandon rate. I might be wrong, but I think that those who bothered to register and started their PE data file, if they were successful, most likely they continued to enter measurements. Those who quitted entering data after the initial ones most likely abandoned PE at an early stage.

I mention just a single case (from many interesting statistics I’ve seen) of perseverance that paid off: azfat8 started at 6.25”/4.75” and after 10 years made it to 8.25”/7”. That is a girth gain of 2.25”!

Starting BPEL: 6.9" (Dec.1st, 2008)

Current BPEL: 8.11" NBPEL: 7.63" BPFSL: 9.09"

Current MEG : 5.6"

Interesting, thank you for doing this.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS

He had surgery if I remember correctly ch.

I’ve checked it, you are right, he did surgery, but seems that he did it after arriving at a huge size by classical PE. He made the surgery because he was aiming for 10” (as he said)!

Starting BPEL: 6.9" (Dec.1st, 2008)

Current BPEL: 8.11" NBPEL: 7.63" BPFSL: 9.09"

Current MEG : 5.6"

That’s a valuable thread indeed, marinera. This data base is a real treasure!

In that 15% of the data that I have browsed, I’ve seen quite a lot of entries showing no newbie gains at all, but good gains later. That should motivate those who do not achieve early gains. If they have patience, they have good chances to gain later on.

Starting BPEL: 6.9" (Dec.1st, 2008)

Current BPEL: 8.11" NBPEL: 7.63" BPFSL: 9.09"

Current MEG : 5.6"

Agree, Slipstream did a damn good work. There are others stats-nerds who elaborated data, for example Invisible and Priapologist, if my memory isn’t playing a trick.

I would like to point out that a large percentage of newbie gains are probably in fact due completely to increased erection quality and learning to bone press harder.

I am quite certain that over a period of a month or two, newbies learn that to properly bone press to derive a consistent measurement, one has to press hard. But this takes time to learn, and even more time if one does not measure frequently, which is common. To further compound matters, the desire for gains after a month or more is enough to encourage pressing harder.

I would venture to say that most newbie gains have the following qualities: up to 3/16” due to increased erection quality, and a full 1/4” due to bone pressing harder, and perhaps 1/8” due to actual growth, resulting in a 9/16” measured difference, or just over half an inch.

Strangely enough, after these “newbie gains”, many find themselves plateauing, which of course isn’t really what is happening. Now they must actually learn how to achieve real gains, which come slow and hard.

Somehow I really have to agree with you 395Man

I disagree. If newbie gains are due to better EQ, younger members would not have them, and this doesn’t actually happens. If newbie gains were due just to pushing further, no NBPEL gains were noticed, and this is also false by what I know.

I think it would be interesting to see data on EQ related to age. I’m not so sure that all young people are sporting a 9 or 10 EQ. I may be completely wrong though.

Originally Posted by rolly2121

I think it would be interesting to see data on EQ related to age. I’m not so sure that all young people are sporting a 9 or 10 EQ. I may be completely wrong though.

Indeed, it would be interesting to know that!

Starting BPEL: 6.9" (Dec.1st, 2008)

Current BPEL: 8.11" NBPEL: 7.63" BPFSL: 9.09"

Current MEG : 5.6"

No all young people are sporting a 9 EQ, but I’m reasonably sure most of young people have better EQ than most of older people. :)

That’s beyond doubt, marinera.

It would be interesting an EQ distribution by age. Though it could be difficult to evaluate it correctly. Getting older doesn’t happen suddenly, so in the transition some may lose EQ without noticing it until it becomes critical.

Starting BPEL: 6.9" (Dec.1st, 2008)

Current BPEL: 8.11" NBPEL: 7.63" BPFSL: 9.09"

Current MEG : 5.6"

A poll?

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