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Newbie pumpcock ring question

Newbie pumpcock ring question

I’m going to try pumping with a cheap sex shop pump, but I have a few questions about how to do it, I’ve read the FAQ and it didnt cover this that I’m aware of

Can you pump with a cock ring on? I’m going to do a “make your own dildo” kit, and I want it to be as rock hard and plump and possible, so I was wondering how you pump with a cock ring on. Do you put the ring on while your about 50% soft, slide your dick in the tube, and (considering this will be my first time) pump for 10 minutes, slowly building up pressure? And when I take it off, do I have to slowly decrease pressure, or do I just let it all out at once?

I have never had any luck trying to pump with a cock ring on. I just never feels right and never seems to work right for me.

The easier thing to do, is pump up normally and after finishing your set, just pop out of the tube, massage your cock a bit and put on a cock ring and massage to erection. You will get the full after pump effect.

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