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Newbie question about web scrotum

Newbie question about web scrotum


I have not seen too many peckers except for my own, so I have a question or sort of a poll.

Heres the deal with my pecker. If I pull my pecker straight out (flaccid) and then I pull down on the top of my scrotum the skin which attaches to my penis reaches 3/4 to the end of my penis.

Is this normal?? Seems to me like it would reduce/restrict my length. This is probably normal but like I said have not seen a penis up close except my own.

PS- don’t laugh about the title!

Also does anyone have a photo of a penis clamp?? I don’t plan to use it until my length gains are complete but I want to go buy one at Walmart

Hi woody,

I’m sorry, I haven’t any dictionnary with me at the moment, there’re a few english words in your post I couldn’t understand, so I can’t help you with the answer, but here’s for your other question

Originally Posted by woody913
Also does anyone have a photo of a penis clamp?? I don’t plan to use it until my length gains are complete but I want to go buy one at Walmart

Clamping 101 - The clamping guide The detail information and the photos are all in there.



7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

You’re not alone mate. I also have this which is extremely prominent during hot weather when the boys drop to cool. I never realised I had it until I lost a massive amount of weight, so you could imagine the shock a 26 year old gets when he stands in front of the mirror one day, extends his unit outwards and sees this.

I’m kind of glad someone else is hung like this as it kind of gets embarrassing at times. Do you notice that when your flaccid, your REALLY flaccid? Hopefully you understand what I mean by that. It sucks big time as some days when flaccid I hang 4 inchs and swing in the wind but other days inversion seems inevitable!

I have the same questions you do bro so sorry I can’t add anything.

If I am understanding what you are describing correctly it sounds like the results of a tight circumcision.

You may want to try some foreskin restoration to grow a bit more shaft skin. Is your shaft skin stretched really tight when erect? That would be another indication of a tight circumcision.

We are all designed this way to one degree or another. Intelligent Design dictates that your balls are better protected and stabilized in this triangulated build. The shaft of the penis helps to keep your balls from being crushed between your legs and minimizes “flip-flop,” during times of motion.

The skin of your scrotum is the most flexible/stretchable external skin on your body and will not interfere when your penis decides to elongate. Noone with tight balls has ever experienced a downward curve due to the restrictions of the attachment points on the penis. Indeed, if you are experiencing a “faucet penis” you would be the first and should post a pic for the medical community.

Banned for posting bullshit again - previously Salvo

Shilow- Good explanation! I guess it’s normal like I thought.

Marc_O- I would say that the shaft skin is definately stretched tight when erect. Damn female doctor must have been pissed off about her divorce when she cut me!

Daboogies- Thanks for the link!

You’re welcome woody913.
Frankly, I just understood your thread after looking up in the dictionary for some difficult words you mentioned in your thread :D



7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

Last edited by daboogies : 08-22-2005 at .
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