Newbie Question: Focus on Length before Girth
Hey all,
Still haven’t started by PE yet. I’m waiting until the end next week to start.
I have yet to make accurate measurements of size, but I think I’m starting at around EBPL: 5.5 and EG: 4.5-4.7 or so. I might be off by as much as a centimeter though.
Anyway, I think my long-term goals are to gain 1.5” in both length and girth. I’d like to be longer than 7”, but I’d rather have a more realistic goal.
My question is, whether I should focus more time on stretching after the first month of PE? I would like to even get 8” gains in EBPL (probably unrealistic, but one can hope) and I thought that if I focus too much on girth this might be an issue.
I feel like gaining EG 6” will be easy as hell, given enough time and effort (500 jelqs a day or more for a year seems like it would do it).
Should I wait until I reach my goal of 7” (or more) length before I put more than the newbie routine into girth work?
I appreciate the help!
P.s. I intend to change my nick to something a little more cocky. :-D
Last edited by criot : 12-11-2005 at . Reason: small fixes