Newbie Question/Weird Pain
So I took about a 4 day PE break. Yesterday I PE’d and upon reading this post about cooling down I decided to try it, probably in a very silly fashion.
I warmed up in a shower, stretched, jelqed. I proceeded to “cool down” with a very cold small towel and a cold shower. It was pretty darn cold. I felt this weird shooting pain in my base. I decided this was a poor idea and turn it to warm and decided to warm up at that point.
Today I went to PE again. Had no problems with stretching, but a little into jelqing I felt the same weird kind of stretching pain at my base. Now it wasn’t unbearable pain, but it made me curious. It’s not exactly normal for me to feel pain in my penis, unless say, I run into something. Anyhow I proceeded anyway and decided to warmup at the end in a warm shower to try and cause the pain to subside. I don’t feel it now. I don’t know if this is normal.
It was almost like it was a feeling sore pain, I don’t know if it was limited to the skin or part of the penis below the skin as well. I am cut, and my penile skin is rather tight. Is it possible the pain has something to do with this?
Has anyone had similar experiences and does anyone have any suggestions? Having went on a 4 day break, I planned on doing 3 days straight then taking a 2-3 day break and then going again. Unfortunately with my current living situation it’s not exactly practical for me to be PE’ing 2 days on and 1 day off. I hope this isn’t a bad idea. I’m well aware I need to allow my penis to rest.