Newbie Routine. What do you all think
1) Warm Wash Cloth Wrap 1 min. Pause. Then again for 1 min.
2) Stretch: Directly out in front, then down, then up, then left, then right (all directions for 1 min w/ 10 sec pauses inbetween). Pause 30 sec. Then repeat.
3) 30-50 squeezes (sometimes I’ll do the oil based jelq, but not very often)
4) Massage: 1 min.
5) Warm Wash Cloth Wrap 1 min.
The cycle period is 2 days on, one day off.
What does everybody think of this routine? Is there anything you guys would add, change, remove? I’m completely open suggestions. Info very much appreciated.
Also, I haven’t gotten exact measurements yet but last time I checked I was 7x5.25. My goal is 8x6. Is this a reasonable goal? If so, what would be a typical amount of time to reach this goal? Is there anything I could do to my routine to expedite (sp) the process? Thank you all. Cheers.