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Newbie Routine


Newbie Routine

I’m thinking about starting the newbie routine soon and have a few questions about the newbie routine

5 min hot wrap
5 min manual stretch (ten 30-second stretches)
10 min of jelq (two hundred 3-second strokes)
5 min hot wrap
50 kegels of five second holds each

Schedule: 2 days ON / 1 day OFF

For the manual stretch which stretches do I do? I saw that there were many. Can I choose which ones? Like if my penis was curved and I would do a stretch that would help it even out? Which strecthes would be the best?

And how do you know if you are doing kegels correctly? I read it the description of a kegel and I am not certain if I am doing it right.

Also I’m having a hard time downloading the free videos of stretches. I click Download Video and it pops up internet explorer as an ftp and it doesn’t download

For manual stretches, I pull my penis straight out, to the left, right, up down, and do each for about 30 secs. I then do helicopter stretches (where you draw a big circle with your penis) clock-wise and counter clock-wise for 1 min each.

The easiest way to found out how to do kegels is when the next time you are pissing try to stop and that little tug you feel somewhere under your sac is where your PC muscle is. This is what you flex for kegels just act like you are going to stop pissing and you will feel it.

I also have a hard time downloading the videos so I just looked at the photos, there are not as good but they are still hopeful.

Someone else can probably help you out more than me but I hope I did something good.

Start: BPEL: 6" EL: 5.5" EG: 4.75"

Goal: BPEL: 7.5" EL: 7" Eg: 5.5"

Thanks for answering some of my questions

Also Do you do the manual stretches flacid or at an erect state

And when you mean pull for 30 seconds, you mean holding it for 30 seconds in that direction correct?

Originally Posted by lakers08
Thanks for answering some of my questions
Also Do you do the manual stretches flacid or at an erect state
And when you mean pull for 30 seconds, you mean holding it for 30 seconds in that direction correct?

Do them flaccid and hold them for 30 seconds.

Is it recommended to put on hot wrap while erect? I find it hard to keep an erection up.
Can someone explain when to have an erection or flaccid penis throughout the newbie routine?

And for jelqing, I read that your erection has to be at a certain percentage how do you know how much % is your erection is at?

Originally Posted by lakers08
And for jelqing, I read that your erection has to be at a certain percentage how do you know how much % is your erection is at?

20-40% = mostly length
60-80% = mostly girth

Ok Thanks

Also I have a slight curvature to my left so do I stretch my penis towards the left? Strecthing the penis to the left works the right ligaments correct?

Originally Posted by lakers08
Ok Thanks
Also I have a slight curvature to my left so do I stretch my penis towards the left? Strecthing the penis to the left works the right ligaments correct?

You got it buddy!

Start: BPEL: 6" EL: 5.5" EG: 4.75"

Goal: BPEL: 7.5" EL: 7" Eg: 5.5"

Originally Posted by Bird2
Do them flaccid and hold them for 30 seconds.

Is it necessary to hold them for 30 seconds? I’m asking because sometimes I don’t have the power to hold this stretch so long.
Sometimes my stretch is only 5-10 seconds.

Originally Posted by lakers08
And how do you know if you are doing kegels correctly? I read it the description of a kegel and I am not certain if I am doing it right.

If you feel the BC muscle ‘tense’, each time you kegel, you’re doing it right. This is the same muscle that makes a stiffy wobble, shake, nod or ‘dance’, and the same muscle that stops the flow of urine. :)

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Originally Posted by SimonClass
Is it necessary to hold them for 30 seconds? I’m asking because sometimes I don’t have the power to hold this stretch so long.
Sometimes my stretch is only 5-10 seconds.

That is fine. Do whatever you ‘feel’ is right. Less often is better.

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I would recommend more linear approach especially with the jelqs. You could start from 20- 50 jelqs and for example add 10 jelqs more every time you exercise like 30,40,50,60.. This should be more gentle and more effective method.

Keep soft tissue soft.

NEW newbie + advanced routine

Originally Posted by SimonClass
Is it necessary to hold them for 30 seconds? I’m asking because sometimes I don’t have the power to hold this stretch so long.
Sometimes my stretch is only 5-10 seconds.

It is effective but less than 30 seconds and really less than the 3 minutes I am doing to each side. Try to hold them longer, if it doesn’t improve consider exercising the muscles in you lower arm and hand.

Originally Posted by Bird2
It is effective but less than 30 seconds and really less than the 3 minutes I am doing to each side. Try to hold them longer, if it doesn’t improve consider exercising the muscles in you lower arm and hand.

I think it’s more a slippage problem than a problem because of my arms. Any idea to solve this?

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