Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Newbies: PLEASE enter your starting stats in Thunder's PE Database

Newbies: PLEASE enter your starting stats in Thunder's PE Database

To all our new members, welcome to Thunder’s Place.

I’m glad you’ve decided to join us. I hope you are learning a lot, and will soon be growing a lot.

The vets here have provided very sound advice for starting your journey based on years of experience. We are lucky to have such willing and generous contributors.

One way that you can give back before you even begin is to enter your personal measurements into Thunder’s PE Database.

We use this data to provide insight into many areas:

Your initial entries immediately help increase our knowledge of general penis size statistics. This is valuable in helping people understand what is “normal”, fight insecurity and build self-esteem. It also sets your baseline for growth and self-awareness.

Your ongoing entries help us understand the nature of penis enlargement through trend analysis. It also helps you understand your body’s own responses, provides motivation, as well as tracks your accomplishments.

As good as the advice provided here is, it is always improving. By sharing our experiences, we can all help build the science of PE and make the most of our efforts. I’ve been doing analysis on this data for years and have started to share some in this thread, if you are interested in seeing how it can be applied.

Before you make your entries, be aware of a few things:

* There are specific instructions on how to measure. It is important to be consistent with these instructions for your own benefit, as well as providing a good relative comparison with everyone else.

* Like your body weight, your measurements can vary from day to day depending on a number of factors (diet, stress, water retention, sexual activity, PE, etc). It’s okay to use your max from a set of measurements done over a few days, but it does take some time to get the hang of it and get good measurements.

* Make sure when you post entries beyond your initial measurements, take a couple of days off of PE to reduce temporary effects, such as fluid build-up and instant gains that can subside over a couple of days.

Once again, thanks for YOUR help and welcome to the club.

- slipstream

7 3/4" (+3/4") BPEL x 6 1/4" (+5/16") EG


Originally Posted by ICANdothis

Awesome! Thanks.

7 3/4" (+3/4") BPEL x 6 1/4" (+5/16") EG

Is there anyway to get this stickied to the newbie forum? This really would fix a lot of the “what is average”, “how big is big”, etc. type of questions…

And because I can’t remember saying it in the last 30 minutes, awesome job slipstream :D

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