No Expansion!!!
When I jelq I have noticed very little expansion above my grip throughout my stroke. The only time I get expansion is when I jelq with a 20-30% erection.
Anything beyond that and my tunica hardens. When I get into the 35-75% range it tightens up in a sense, and when I exercise I don’t feel like I am doing much.
I warm up for at least 5 minutes before my workout, so I don’t think this is from a lack of warm up.
My starting stats are less than impressive, not small, just not big. I top out at 6.25” Bpel and 4.7 Mseg, and am not happy with this size. I feel as though a bigger penis, while not necessarily making you happy, can and is directly related to self confidence and success with women. I have a ton of dedication, but after 3 months off and on - (due to SUPPOSED injury) I have yet to gain.
It’s so hard to decide and know what is working for you because of a major contradiction in opinion amongst members. I decided to take a month off from the forum so that I didn’t drive myself insane with all of these contradictions in opinion, and assess what feels right for me. Problem is that nothing really feels like I’m hitting the jackpot so-to-speak.
What could I possibly do to change things up, and find my so called sweet spot?