No length- girth work hindering?
So, I’ve been on a pretty stable newbie routine for 3-4 months now, being careful and religious about heating. I am more interested in girth gains at the moment so I’m not too worried about length but I’m wondering: I see slight girth increase (about .2”) but zero length gains, nothing. Is the girth work hindering the length work?
Routine as follows:
10-15m warmup with hot cloth (pretty hot)
20m manual stretching with IR lamp. Up/down/left/right plus BTC.
5m wet jelqs with IR lamp
3x5m water pumping (bathmate or ThickWall) at medium vacuum (no more than 3hg on the Thickwall, on the BM I watch the length for judgement)
In between pumping wet jelqs and very careful Ulis.
Warmdown with hot cloth or hot shower
I must say that when I do the manual stretches I don’t feel fatigue or anything that would not make me go on for far longer, I just stop at 20m to not overdo it. Could indicate bad technique?
Thanks everyone!