I’ve been where you are and eventually found a method that worked for me. Sizegenetics was actually my first device. I ended up trying that along with a variety of other ADS devices, pumps, hangers, etc. Never really got noticeable and consistent results. However, here’s something you may find encouraging - after falling away from PE for a couple years and coming back to it I actually ended up finding the extender to be the most consistently effective device for length gain. Here’s what I always aim to do in every session: KEEP MY PENIS EXTENDED TO A LENGTH AT LEAST A LITTLE BIT BEYOND MY ERECT LENGTH. I use non bone pressed erect length for this (NBPEL). I literally put the extender on and almost always use a measuring tape to check the length. To be more specific, I’m usually able to strap in at my NBPEL. I wear it for say 20-30 minutes to let my dick relax into the stretch and then I rotate the tension bar to extend it past that length. I’m typically able to stretch a quarter inch past my NBPEL. As the hours pass and my dick stretches a bit, I can get my dick close to half an inch past my NBPEL. So let’s say you’re starting at NBPEL of 5.5 inches (or whatever it is). Start the session extended to 5.5 inches, 20 minutes later increase tension to get to 5.75 inches. Try to wear it as many hours as you can at that length. HERE’S THE CHALLENGE - it’s a balancing act between strapping your dick in tight enough so that you can extend it beyond your NPBEL, but not so tight that it severely restricts blood flow. In order to strap in snug, I got rid of the strap the sizegenentics came with and actually use an Ace bandage (long cloth-like material about 1.5 inches wide). Other people have used a velcro strap as well. I literally wrap it around 2 times and tie it in a bow. Honestly, my glans gets a bit cold, but it doesn’t go numb. I haven’t noticed any negative affects even with years of use. I’ve gained about 1.5 inches NBPEL. You always have to be careful to not restrict blood flow, but I think slightly restricting blood flow is unavoidable in order to get enough tension to gain length. If you feel your glans going numb (happens sometimes), take the extender off ASAP, warm it up, put it back on. Another tip which may require a significant lifestyle change, but if it’s doable, get a remote job. It’s becoming more and more doable post-pandemic and it makes PE tremendously easier. Personally, I’ve found 5 days on (nearly 12 hours a day after being conditioned), 2 days off has allowed for consistent gains. I try to add some sort of additional bar to the extender every 30 - 60 days or so. Once you find something that actually works, don’t get over excited and change the routine. Stick with what’s working until you don’t see any progress for say 60 days then consider modifying the routine.