Opinions on my routine
This week I finally began PE again after not doing it for 2 years. Just wanted some feedback on what you guys think of my routine:
6 nights a week - hot wrap, hang for 25 minutes, get a whopping woodrow to get things flowing again
3 mornings a week - hot wrap, manual stretching for 10 minutes, jelq for 15 minutes, hot wrap
1 day a week of rest
Also, during the day I flex my PC muscle all the time and sometimes fowfer (strecth my cod back and sit on it).
Also, I’m currently hanging in the vicinity of between the cheeks to straight down. My LOT is ~ 8:30. Should I be stretching over the shoulder instead?
Does the plan sound good? Bad? I’m gonna go 6 months, doing this like it’s my job and without measuring. I PE’d for almost a year before, and gained nothing. I bought into a program on a ripoff website that had me doing absurd amounts of jelqing. I prolly wounded my poor little cod horribly from this. What a waste of time it was! I’m currently 6.25 non bone pressed, with a 1 year goal of 7 inches, and a hopeful longterm goal of 8 inches. (Just worrying about length now, will do girth after some length gains.)