Over an inch longer in cylinder
Hello all,
I am new to pumping about 3 months now.. I started out with a sex shop pump before I discovered this forum and have now moved on to a LA Pump 9 x 1.75 cylinder. I have been using the LA Pump for about 3 weeks and I was pretty much packing it to start with. I’m afraid that it is already time to get another cylinder (probably 10 x 2). My question:
My starting point was 7.25” BPEL, but now when I’m in the cylinder I am nearly 8.5”. Is this normal? Is this indicative of growth potential or is it meaningless? I would love to get to that size permanently. As it is, I am already about .25” longer out of the cylinder and a slight bit more girth then from before I started, although I am sure this is just temporary at this point.
I have read through many threads, and I have seen where some people are about the same in or out of the cylinder and some even reported to being shorter in the cylinder. I would expect to be larger, but > inch is pretty impressive. Was wondering about other peoples experience. Any insight would be appreciated.