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Does a longer dong equal lasting longer

Does a longer dong equal lasting longer

Howdy fellas,

I was just browsing some post and thought about something. All the porn stars out there with 8+ inch dicks.. Well they seem to be able to last forever before cumming. Not only that but they’re with some pretty damn hot chicks. I considered the fact that well since the girls are porn stars they may be looser and accommodate for the guys lasting power somewhat, but still. So do any of you PE gainers have any experience to share? Does just having a bigger dong make you last longer than what you had before? Assuming of course that you did not do kegels which would help you stay longer. Thanks,

I have been PEing since Oct 04 and I am lasting quite a bit longer now. In fact, last night I could not cum at all with regular sex. After about 45 minutes my wife finally had to pull off the rubber and finish me off manually.

Started 10/1/04 Approaching 7x5, Going for 8x6

I’m sorry but I see no relationship between dick size and time to ejaculation.

There are many reports of people here lasting longer once they start their PE journey, but that has more to do with penis conditioning than the extra size.

Yeah, I think it’s really the kegels that do it.

Also, I have a friend who was in the porno industry. He told me that they inject him (or his penis) with a drug to keep it erect for hours, regardless of what happens.

I would think the increased size would lead to the vagina to seem tighter. Tighter vagina generally means it is more difficult to last. I’ve always lasted well, so even after gaining I was about the same.

Originally Posted by luka4967
Does just having a bigger dong make you last longer than what you had before?


Running a Massive Co-Front.

Remember luka, you are watching a movie. They can edit or cut where they want. For all wee know those guys can only go 2 minutes before having to take a break. And if you watch closely you will notice that they “reuse” scenes making it appear they are lasting forever. So in answer to your question, no, I don’t beleive dick size has anything to do with how long you last.


The guys who do porn can spunk on command. They have absolute control, without it they wouldn’t work after a few fuckups. A porn dude has no sexual hang ups. He could pull down his pants in the NYC subway and start jerking off. He would even take bets on what second you wanted him to cum. People would countdown from 50 or 5000 and if that is the number picked by him he shoots. Porn guys are deadly masters of the Jizz Spew Martail Art. Porn girls are afraid of them cause they can get their eye shot out.;)

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

And don’t you forget about the replacement of scenes ;)

I was once watching a not so professional production (not amateur either though) and after viewing the whole scene I figured the guy must have gotten to his point after one minute into the action and then did the rest of the scene ;)

Granted the girl was freaking hot (compared to your usual porn actress that is), but it’s still funny :)

I’m quite positive that lasting ability has nothing to do with penis size. I’d say it has more to do with control over the body. I’ve always found that breathing deeply, relaxing, and making a conscious effort to relax my PC muscle enables me to last much longer.


This is definately true. I noticed that in my case. Since the vagina is much tighter it feels so much better lol. So in my case I don’t last as long as I used to.

Originally Posted by JJS


This is definately true. I noticed that in my case. Since the vagina is much tighter it feels so much better lol. So in my case I don’t last as long as I used to.

This is the case with me as well. Sex feels better bigger, so it is harder to last. But the process of getting bigger teaches you control. I now have orgasms without ejaculating, while I’m alone that is.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

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