Thunder's Place

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Pain in the head

Pain in the head

Recently I decided to enchance my PE program. The previous one included 10-15 30sec stretches and 4-5*30 dry jelqs. Then I upgraded to 8-9 60 sec stretches and 4*40 dry jelqs. The problem is that this morning I felt some pain in the head of my member. When I don’t touch I don’t feel it, but when I begin to play with it it hurts. Any comments and tips how to allay the pain? Today is my off-day, but is it possible to continue the exercises tomorrow?

Thank you!

See how it feels tomorow.

You could be over doing it as well.

You could try a 2 minute ice pack or cold towel (don’t go over 2 minutes). Make sure you’re warming up well (5-10mins rice sock before and after your workout). Be cautious at this point since you don’t want to create a serious injury. I don’t think you should have pain in your glans, to me this implies a problem with your technique.

You might be jelqing too far—you’re not supposed to completely jelq over the glans / head. There are a lot of nerves along the top of your penis, with an especially large bundle of nerves just behind your glans on top of your penis. Just complete your jelqs well before the head, or well before it causes a sharp pain. If you find you can’t jelq at all, I would try & find an alternative exercise to do until you heal. Most likely you can still do something with decreased intensity while you allow yourself to heal.

You also might try re-reading the instructions on jelqs or watching the videos again.

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