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Pain on right side of shaft

Pain on right side of shaft

I’ve been recently experiencing some pain in the right side of my shaft during exercises. It is sort of a sharp pain but I can’t actually see anything wrong on the penis, other than it’s general location is on the right side of my shaft. Has anyone ever experienced anything similar to this and possibly have any idea what it could be, and how much rest I would need to heal up?

Yeah, you are on a one way road to injury. You need a break. I experienced something similar before getting a thrombosed vain. Take a break, just a day or two, nothing long. It should go away, if it is what happened to me.

Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.’s not sharp but it’s there.I just rested a little. And when it came back I

Pushed through it as long as it didn’t become super painful to the point where I knew I hurt something. The way I figure you ARE intentionally injuring your penis minimally in order for it to rebuild itself larger faster and stronger (sorta like the million dollar man) so there should be a little tenderness.

Yeah I’m definately taking time off—to be more exact it’s at the base of my penis on the right side.happened from doing stretches I think. I don’t know if it has something to do with ligs or not, but I definately need a lot of time—and thanks for those that posted. More are not only welcomed, but greatly appreciated.

And by the way I made about a good half an inch of gain from about 6-7 weeks of work.

Originally Posted by 2_more_inches

And by the way I made about a good half an inch of gain from about 6-7 weeks of work.

Good job.

Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.

Anything that causes pain is banned. It’s easy to get carried away with the exercises, but you will often earn more if you play it safe.

Originally Posted by 2_more_inches

to be more exact it’s at the base of my penis on the right side. Happened from doing stretches I think. I don’t know if it has something to do with ligs or not, but I definitely need a lot of time.

It could well be a mild ligament strain. Putting some ice on it for 5-7 minutes a couple of times a day until the pain has gone would help. (Wrap ice/ice pack in cloth; you don’t want it sticking)!

Start PE gently once the pain is gone and build up slowly; it should be fine.

Well it’s been over a week now and the pain has not gone away. I now believe that it might be a thrombosed vein, or something to do with a vein, lymph, or whatever. I really feel that I need a massive amount of time off for proper healing—maybe one or two months. Kind of disheartening since I have made good gains.

Do people easily lose gains after taking extended time off? I’m just curious.

Also, I think it will be important to stop masturbation also so I can let it properly heal. It is very likely that I won’t be able to do this but I guess I have to try my best.

Yeah I was looking at my flacid and there is a vein that goes down the right side of my shaft—down pretty much to my base (where I’ve been experiencing the pain). I gently touched the part of the vein nearest to my base and believe that is where is pain comes from. I’ve been doing some reading, and that there are exercises to help along with the natural healing process—like hot wrap and massage to the area. Does anyone know a bit about this?

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