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PE in the Car??

PE in the Car??

Ok, time to PE is scarce. I must spend 45 -75 minutes in the car to and from work. So how can I use this time effectively? Can one perform hangin in the car? Give me all of your suggestions.

It is ok to live in the "now", but never fail to plan for the future.

Just remeber that truckers can see right into your car. Ive seen some pretty crazy stuff while on the road in a truck.

Hanging in car? A sudden stop - as in crash - is likely to result in “dicklash” (Websters: “The sudden involuntary elongation of a man’s sexual organ”. Or even worse, being carried away on a stretcher trying to explain to the medics that they have to look for your dick in the ditch, as it went flying out the front window…

Better have a look at Chickenchokers ADS instead.


Just work on your kegels while driving. It would be much safer than having your dick ripped off as described above. :(

"Drunk chics dig me."

Kegels only. And do those when you aren’t moving.

Use one of those extender things

im thinking the same as mgus,can you imagine the imbarresment of crashing and the paramedics seeing a hanger on your way.

It’s almost as if we keep cycling through the same threads over and over. Do a search on this. This has been asked a couple times before.

I am going with gprent on this one. When you in your car you should be driving. Do you know the number one cause of all car accidents in America (next to alcohol related that is)? People not paying attention to driving. To me this isn’t a very funny subject. My cousin was killed by some bitch putting on her makeup. He was 17 years old. For the love of man, don’t PE in the car.

Check out this site. It’s eye opening. … dent-stats.html


Last edited by RoomToGrow : 02-23-2005 at . Reason: vB code error

I’ve been driving the 2+ hours down to Portland and back a lot lately, and doing some PE in the car as I drive. I wear sweat pants so I can easily access my dick and just pull the pants up over my dick when I approach a truck or tall SUV in an adjacent lane. When I get a few miles from my destination, like in Vancouver, WA, I pull over and put on jeans or whatever I need to wear when I see my friends.

Most of the time I’m doing fowfers. It’s a little awkward getting my dick down and under my ass, but then I tweak the multi-adjustable seats in my Subaru so that I get the maximum stretch and comfort. i usually get into the fowfer while pulled over and stopped. I also just reach down, grab my dick and do 30 second or longer stretches straight up, far right, far left, and out and down towards the pedals.

An easy stretch that is enhanced by car seats is to just stretch the dick out straight with one hand, and then take the other and grab with an overhand grip as far down the base as possible. Next, just turn your wrist so the base of your dick folds over the top of your thumb in a sort of mini-A stretch. Rest your wrist on top of your thighs so that the stretch is held and intensified with relatively little effort. I then sink my hips back and down into the seat so that the ligs and base tunica get a good long tug. There’s relatively little dick exposed over the tip of the thumb if you get too close to drivers who can look down and in.

Note that this is freeway driving, where I pretty much just have to keep the car in a lane for 160 miles. Aside from fowfers, I don’t do PE when the traffic gets intense, like down by Portland or up here between Tacoma and Seattle.

Last edited by Ike : 02-23-2005 at .

I changed my thought process on this, as I would pump in the car once in a while, the change occurred when I was blindsided at full speed a few weeks ago (all I had in my hand was a cup of coffee). :homer3d: That was the PE Gods telling me to not Pump or put contraptions on Lil Sixer :_pump: , while driving.

At most, I would do manual type stretches, and maybe have an empty water bottle near-by. If you get knocked unconscience, unit in hand, you can tell them you were just about to urinate in the bottle. :hide: If you have any other contraptions on, could be humorous for the Officer and the People back at the PD, bad day for you, and possibly be at fault insurance wise.

cead mile failte :lep:

Well, Thank you everyone for your replies. I apologize if this thread comes up frequently, but the search engine isn’t perfect. Rest assured, I don’t do PE in the car. I am very “safety” oriented. But I have been slacking off as of late and am lucky to get in 50-100 jelqs a day. I was picturing some form of hanging, but there is the concern of exposure. Fortunately, I have decent window tinting on the side windows. So anyhow, I shall continue my efforts and PE when I can. Hopefully I am still gaining a little.

It is ok to live in the "now", but never fail to plan for the future.

Originally Posted by DeafWolf

…..but the search engine isn’t perfect.

It isn’t? I thought Thunder put the “perfect patch” on it last week. Maybe he needs to reboot.


Originally Posted by mgus
Hanging in car? A sudden stop - as in crash - is likely to result in “dicklash” (Websters: “The sudden involuntary elongation of a man’s sexual organ”. Or even worse, being carried away on a stretcher trying to explain to the medics that they have to look for your dick in the ditch, as it went flying out the front window..

Better have a look at Chickenchokers ADS instead.


That is the best post I have ever red lol. Dicklash, I wonder if you could claim for compensation. Imagine that ringing up some claims company and saying I had a severe case of dicklash due to hanging whilst driving.. How much £££ can I expect

Starting stats BPEL:8" EG:5.38" ________________________ Target BPEL:9" EG:6.5"

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