Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE, is there any actual proof out there


PE, is there any actual proof out there

Hey guys I don”t mean to sound like a buzz kill but I have been a member for a while and I have always questioned PE. There was a time about a year ago when I decided to start a jelqing routine but the longest I lasted was jelqing an hour a day every day for about 3 weeks. I noticed that my penis got thicker and longer, being in its fully flaccid state, but I can’t really remember if I gained in my erection although I think I did. Anyways what I did not like was the fact that my penis was not as sensitive towards sex as it used to be.. I mean I would push and thrust but the feeling was not the same. Anyways I’m posting this thread because there is so much controversy on PE like if it really works or not, if hanging or jelqing is better, etc. I have read many things on PE from Wikipedia to Web MD with the average Joe swearing up and down saying that PE works and the most respected doctors saying that PE is a bunch of bologna. I wanted to know if there is anyone out there who has actually stuck to a routine and has actually gained girth and/or width in their penis with pictures or videos to prove such gains. I am asking for real people with real results that have proof so that it can give other people not hope, but assurance that is is possible to make your dick bigger and thicker.

I see zero controversy.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Sorry but my ten minutes had passed and I’m re-posting because I changed some things. Hey guys I don”t mean to sound like a buzz kill but I have been a member for a while and I have always questioned PE. There was a time about a year ago when I decided to start a jelqing routine but the longest I lasted was jelqing an hour a day every day for about 3 weeks. I noticed that my penis got thicker and longer, being in its fully flaccid state, but I can’t really remember if I gained in my erection although I think I did. Anyways what I did not like was the fact that my penis was not as sensitive towards sex as it used to be. Anyways I’m posting this thread because I want to start PE again, but because there is so much controversy on PE like if it really works or not, if hanging or jelqing is better, etc I wanted to make sure of something before I put time into it again. I have read many things on PE from Wikipedia to Web MD with the average Joe swearing up and down saying that PE works and the most respected doctors saying that PE is a bunch of bologna, but in reality most people, me included, have never seen proof to back up the testimonials stating that PE actually works. So I wanted to know if there is anyone out there who has actually stuck to a routine and has actually gained girth and/or length in their penis with pictures or videos to prove such gains. Many people say yea I have gained alot but most are just liars (sadly). I am asking for real people with real results that have proof so that it can give other people not hope, but assurance that is is possible to make your dick bigger and thicker. And if there is proof out there what is the best thing to do.. Hang or jelq, penis pump, etc?

Seriously? You might waste some time but will it cost you money? No. So, what have you got to lose? Convince yourself. This time however, don’t just jelq for an hour for 3 weeks, that’s stupid, it’s too much too quickly. Actually learn to do what you are testing.

Where’s the con here? A 10 year old forum surviving on donations aimed at hoodwinking people into playing with their dick for extended periods of time for no reason. Yeah, right.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I have definitive mathematical proof that PE works. But I can’t send it to you because it’s attached to me.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

The very second you discover measurable results with your own dick you wil have proof.

Not a second sooner.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

What possible reason would there be to spend our time and efforts contributing to this forum if it’s all a bunch of BS? If you’re convinced it is a bunch of BS, then move on and leave it alone. If the hundreds of testimonials don’t convince you there’s a modicum of truth in it then you’re better off finding something different to do. If you think there might be some validity to what we’re saying then it’s up to you to decide to do something about it. There’s nothing more any of us can say to change your mind..

PS instead of calling us liars, spend some time looking at the numerous posts with pictures substantiating gains.

:_pump: :donatecar

Last edited by clgp7 : 01-15-2013 at .

Did the Member Pics section get assymilated or something?

The fact you needed to bump your own thread after 10 minutes tells me you have a serious issue with patience, and that may be your problem.

I think it’s much more likely that thousands of strangers joined the site to post thousands of times over the period of several years in an elaborate joint effort to make gullible newbies tug on their dicks.

Come on, there are so many threads just like this one already. YES, PE works!

The only caveat is that, like all forms of exercise or dietary plans, it will work a little bit differently for everyone. What comes easy for some might be extraordinarily difficult for others to achieve, so that’s why nobody will be able to tell you “You will gain exactly .85” length in 62 days.”

Before you start do a good bit of research on the theories of smooth muscle and ligament deformation and repair, the effects of force over time on tissues, and what heat adds to the equation.

Give it a shot. Nobody will know if you fail so there’s obviously nothing we gain from lying to you. If that’s not good enough for you then nothing is, and you are wasting your time.

Sounds like you are wasting lots of time doing pretend research. Kind of like running around asking people that have never lifted weights whether or not doing so can give you larger muscles. You finally stumble into a gym and everyone tells you that it does work. They even offer to show you how to do it! You then spend 3 weeks doing a crap routine that you made up on your own.

Do the newbie routine for 3 months.
START HERE ——-> NEWBIE ROUTINE <——- Important Newbie Threads/Info

Running a Massive Co-Front.

If tons of anicdotal evidence isn’t enough to convince you to start a suggested routine, you are in the wrong place. We are not here to convince you it works, but we are here to help you start a meaningful routine. As they say: either shit or get off then pot.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

First of all for the ones that said I’m calling them liars read the thread. I’m not calling anyone a liar here I’m just saying I personally have not seen any proof pics, thats all, if you know how to read you will realize that I’m asking for people to send in pictures or videos of their gains (if they have video or pictures). Havent seen an area in the site where it shows member gains but I will look.

Any members posting pictures of their members will be found here:

Link to bad forum (forumid 16) removed

Like most things in life, you might have to dig a bit to find the “good stuff”.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Iuno, we have a Spanish Forum also, just in case you were more familiar with that language.

Wow, with a little research you will find plenty of before and after pics showing actual growth. If that isn’t proof enough, then the only thing that will convince you is your own personal gain. So start exercising and stick with it.

Pre PE: 5/8/04 BPEL 6.25" EG 5"

Goal: BPEL 7.5" EG 5.5"

Routine, Pics

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