PE-questions & problems problem with stretching is not the penis but my hand I haven’t enough power to stretch 10 min. after 7 or 8 min I feel a pain in the thumb
and index finger. if I stop and rest I think the time I stretch isn’t alway equal. problem with jelqing is I’m not circumsized and must ‘divide’ my penis from the balls. and here the problem is that I feel a pain at the knot of the sling. and I haven’t found something that I don’t must tied and so all things to divide my dick from balls have knot which make me feel pain.
Have someone a idea? The foreskin to hold back is for me not possible and
in my town is no sex-shop where I can buy the right tool.
3.To get a longer scrotum/balls I stretch with my hands my sac for 2 min.
If I now measure the distance between me and my stretched balls, I have
5.5 inches
Do 2 min a everday change something?
Sorry my English is very bad I hope someone understands what I mean:-)