Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I have big problems with PE. HELP!


I have big problems with PE. HELP!

I have been doing PE for a long time now and I always fucks everything up by doing the same thing.

I have gotten no gains at all from PE, well 0,2inch lenghtgain but I don’t care for lenght. I want girht, and I want It bad.

And the problem?

I always overdo everything. I can’t help it. I ALWAYS do everything to much.

I start a new program. I decide to clamp 10 min 1 day on 1 day off.
After 2 days I skip my restday.
1 day after that I do 3x10min every day.
2 days later I do 4x15min every day.
Then I do the marathon clamping. Something like 10x15min on one day.
Then I’m temporally impotent and my dick i smaller than when I started to clamp.

I rest for a few days and I’m pissed off. Fuck this PE. It does not work.
Then I think, hmmm.. pumpingtime.

I start a new pumpingprogram. I decide to pump 20 min 1 day on 1 day off.
After 2 days I skip my restday.
1 day after that I do 3x20min every day.
2 days later I do 5x20min every day.
Then I do the marathon pumping. Something like 15x30min on one day.
Then I’m temporally impotent and my dick i smaller than when I started to clamp and I have a BIG donut.

I rest a few days and then I start again with another program, maybe clamping and pumping.

Often it goes much faster then I described above. Sometimes I can hold my program for just 1 or 2 days before I do my maratonpumping/clamping.

Is it just me who is like this?

I would do absofuckinglutely everything to gain some girth. If I only gained 0,5inch it would be amazing.

I don’t know what to do to stop doning like I do.
Mayby I should start a myPEthread where I write what I do every day so that you guys could keep control on me?

Why do I overtrain all the time? Well I can tell you some reasons:
I want fast gains.
I’m like to do things to the extreme.
I really don’t believe that you produce new tissue in the penis by doing PE. I only believe that you stretch things out. The more you stretch the more results you get. only problem here is that if I do a lot I get almost impotent. I have a really superhot girlfriend and I tell you, it is not fun not to be able to get the dick hard when she stands on all four and looks breathtaking. She thinks that she is not hot enough when this happens and that feels so fucking wrong. She is smoking hot. She don’t know about PE so every time this happens I have to make up some excuse. I will only tell her about PE if I get any gain and I have gotten none so far so…

What do you think I should do. I would kill for some more girth, but I don’t want to have a dick that is no good when it comes to fucking. Maybe I should do some sort of program with a lot of kegel and a little bit of pumping?
I have never been a superpotent man.
When I’m fucking I always loose my hard-on a little bit all of the time.
Its like this. I have a rockhard erection. I penetrate and start to fuck. I fuck for maybe 2 to 3 min then my erection is down to 90%. I take the dick out and plays with it, smacks her ass or something, it gets 100% hard again and I put it in. Then I have to repeat this through the hole fuck. If I just keep on fucking when it is 90% erect, then I quickly loose my erection to a 50% erectionlevel. Can’t fuck with that.

What kind of program do you guys think that I should try?
I have big problems with some exercises like jelqing for example. If I only jelq for 3 min I get impotent for the rest of the day. Pumping and clamping works much better(I get less impotent with these exercises).

I’m sorry for that this thread got so long, but I’m really desperate now. I have been putting down maybe 1000 hours of PE now and my only results is a turtleneck on my dick from all the pumping.

To say a little bit more:
I don’t drink
I don’t smoke
I workout at the gym. Both weigths and cardio six times a week. I’m very fit. Very fit.
I only eat healthy food.

Help me out!

2005-07-01 - 7,5 x 5,5 Starting 2005-09-20 - 7,7 x 5,5 goal - 8,0 x 6,3

Well, here is your problem and you said it: “I always overdo everything. I can’t help it. I ALWAYS do everything to much”.

Learn how not to do that and you will start making progress.

Try sticking with you pump program and don’t go over 45 minutes a day, or 3X15 minutes. Keep your pressure at 5”hg or less.

I can’t teach you patience, but that’s what you need. Every time you go overboard, it is a step backwards. It’s time you concede that and get some discipline.

By the way, you are not alone. For me, that was and still is a hard thing to do, but the rewards of staying in control are worth it.

Don’t overdo pumping. I pumped to the point of fluid building up in my penis — and it would always later be absorbed. But eventually the little bit of redness (blood) sort of stayed there. It then turned dark brown — rust (hemosiderin). I could not get it to go away. I now have had to use salicylic acid to cause a peel, removing the outer layer of skin and the hemosiderin. See the thread by hobby called ” Shedding the Snake: Peeling to Remove Discoloration” just below (or it may be above by the time I post) this thread. Take it easy on the pumping IMHO.

Welcome to the madness


Your problem is not unique. We all do this. The fact that you are into fitness makes it even harder to grasp the “Less is more” Approach. You are trying to do PE like a body builder, you just can’t work your dick like you work your muscles. Listen to gprent on pumping. Only thing I would add is if you stay hard in the tube, and milk the tube during your three 15 minute sets it will help. Wrap a heating pad around the cylinder and put a vibrator against it, watch porn, do whatever you have to do to stay hard in the tube. Do a lot of massaging between sets. then when you’ve finished your last set put it away and enjoy your girl. Slow and easy wins the race. And when it comes to listening the the vets on this site REMEMBER.

Do as we say, not as we do.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

I think you should go back to the routine that got you gains, Your homemade stretcher that is.

I know that you do not want more lenght, But you could gain girth from it also, Atleast at the base.

IMO it is not possible to overdo it with an extender/stretcher, The more the better. And you will get better erections from it too.

Also if you started gaining again you would get a more positive aditude, And feel like “this shit works”.

Why not start a new routine with your stretcher and clamping?

Something like this:

10 min clamp

2 hours extender

10 min clamp

2 hours extender

10 min clamp

Originally Posted by gprent
Well, here is your problem and you said it: “I always overdo everything. I can’t help it. I ALWAYS do everything to much”.

Learn how not to do that and you will start making progress.

Try sticking with you pump program and don’t go over 45 minutes a day, or 3X15 minutes. Keep your pressure at 5”hg or less.

I can’t teach you patience, but that’s what you need. Every time you go overboard, it is a step backwards. It’s time you concede that and get some discipline.

By the way, you are not alone. For me, that was and still is a hard thing to do, but the rewards of staying in control are worth it.

I don’t go above 4hg when pumping. I just do a lot of time in the cylinder.
I can resist the urge to pump at higher pressure because I have pumped for six
month in a row in the past, maybe 1 to 1,5 hour every day at pressures like 10hg and
it gave me nothing exept turtleneck and an impotent penis. I do learn my some misstakes
at least :)

Do you think that I could pump 3x15 every day?

2005-07-01 - 7,5 x 5,5 Starting 2005-09-20 - 7,7 x 5,5 goal - 8,0 x 6,3

Originally Posted by alffie
Don’t overdo pumping. I pumped to the point of fluid building up in my penis — and it would always later be absorbed. But eventually the little bit of redness (blood) sort of stayed there. It then turned dark brown — rust (hemosiderin). I could not get it to go away. I now have had to use salicylic acid to cause a peel, removing the outer layer of skin and the hemosiderin. See the thread by hobby called ” Shedding the Snake: Peeling to Remove Discoloration” just below (or it may be above by the time I post) this thread. Take it easy on the pumping IMHO.

I always pump so that I get fluidbuildup. I will try not to do that in the future.
I have no problem with the color of my dick and I don’t get any red spots.
Maybe I don’t get that because I have done so many hours in the pump now so that my
dick is well conditioned for pumping?

2005-07-01 - 7,5 x 5,5 Starting 2005-09-20 - 7,7 x 5,5 goal - 8,0 x 6,3

Originally Posted by Big Girtha

Your problem is not unique. We all do this. The fact that you are into fitness makes it even harder to grasp the “Less is more” Approach. You are trying to do PE like a body builder, you just can’t work your dick like you work your muscles. Listen to gprent on pumping. Only thing I would add is if you stay hard in the tube, and milk the tube during your three 15 minute sets it will help. Wrap a heating pad around the cylinder and put a vibrator against it, watch porn, do whatever you have to do to stay hard in the tube. Do a lot of massaging between sets. then when you’ve finished your last set put it away and enjoy your girl. Slow and easy wins the race. And when it comes to listening the the vets on this site REMEMBER.

Do as we say, not as we do.

I can’t stay hard in the tube.
It is not possible for me.
I really don’t know how to milk the tube, because when I pump at 4hg my cylinder is pressed
hard against my pubicbone. I can’t milk it. Or do you just have to milk it like 0,5 inch back
and foreward?
The only thing I feel that I can do to stay a little harder in the pump is to use a cockring.
I tryed that the other day and my afterworkoutgirth was superhuge. I messured 6,1 midshaft.
I really don’t understand one thing thow. If I’m hard in the cylinder at 4hg, my dick is a
certain size. If I’m not hard in the cylinder at 4hg my dick is exactly the same size.
what is the differens?
All you guys who has gotten great results from pumping says this. My pumpingidol, peforeal,
always says it is superimportant to stay hard in the cylinder.
I don’t want to take viagra just to be able to stay hard in the cylinder.

2005-07-01 - 7,5 x 5,5 Starting 2005-09-20 - 7,7 x 5,5 goal - 8,0 x 6,3

Originally Posted by kristian69
I think you should go back to the routine that got you gains, Your homemade stretcher that is.

I know that you do not want more lenght, But you could gain girth from it also, Atleast at the base.

IMO it is not possible to overdo it with an extender/stretcher, The more the better. And you will get better erections from it too.

Also if you started gaining again you would get a more positive aditude, And feel like “this shit works”.

Why not start a new routine with your stretcher and clamping?

Something like this:

10 min clamp

2 hours extender

10 min clamp

2 hours extender

10 min clamp

Hello kristian!

As kristian writes, I have one rutine that has given me gains. That was this rutine:

5x10 min manual stretching every day.
10 hours of extender every day.
This rutine gave me 0,2 lenghtgain and my erections was a little bit harder than usual.

I have 3 problems with this rutine now:

1. It only gives me lenght. I don’t want more lenght. Ok, 8 inch would be fun but I would
rather gain 0,1 inch girth than 2 inch lenght if I hade the choice.

2. I can’t do this rutine now. It is not possible. When I did this rutine I was sitting at
home 24 hours every day because of a broken bone in my leg. Now I work 10 hours every day
and it is absolutely imposible to use my extender at work.

3. when wering an extender, I think of my dick 24/7 because I can always feel it.
I don’t like that. It feels lika I don’t do anything at all exept thinking of my dick
all the time.

If I still was sitting at home all the time, I would absolutely use my extender in my daily

2005-07-01 - 7,5 x 5,5 Starting 2005-09-20 - 7,7 x 5,5 goal - 8,0 x 6,3

Hello skitola, You know you work way to much, You are almost never around here anymore :)

That is some serious expansion you get after your workout, Is that from fluid build up after pumping? Or is it from clamping?

Sorry to hear that you do not have the time to use your extender.

I started hanging 1,5 - 2 hours a day a few weeks back, And the last time I hung I lost the feeling in my glans for two days, So I stopped hanging after that.

My new routine is clamping/extender everyday, I will let you know if it gets the gains going again.

Hope your gains will jump start soon now, Break a leg :)

Quick question regarding the pumping, you say its hard to stay erect in the cylinder…I thought the pressure caused an erection? Doesn’t the erection through all the pressure sustain itself so long as its in the tube?

Originally Posted by kristian69
Hello skitola, You know you work way to much, You are almost never around here anymore :)

That is some serious expansion you get after your workout, Is that from fluid build up after pumping? Or is it from clamping?

Sorry to hear that you do not have the time to use your extender.

I started hanging 1,5 - 2 hours a day a few weeks back, And the last time I hung I lost the feeling in my glans for two days, So I stopped hanging after that.

My new routine is clamping/extender everyday, I will let you know if it gets the gains going again.

Hope your gains will jump start soon now, Break a leg :)

That 6.1 midshaft expansion was after I did this:
10 min risesock
15 min clamping
20 min pumping
20 min pumping
20 min pumping
20 min pumping
5 min clamping with a homemaderubbercockring that is super thight.
20 min pumping with this cockring on.

then I mesured with the cockring on and had 6,1 girth midshaft.
I was fluidbuildup and everything else you get from a massive workout.

2005-07-01 - 7,5 x 5,5 Starting 2005-09-20 - 7,7 x 5,5 goal - 8,0 x 6,3

Originally Posted by Yataghan50
Quick question regarding the pumping, you say its hard to stay erect in the cylinder…I thought the pressure caused an erection? Doesn’t the erection through all the pressure sustain itself so long as its in the tube?

I go in erect in the cylinder.
Then I pump to 4hg pressure.
Then I loose my erection pretty fast but my dick still remains the same size.
When I relise the pressure my dick goes flacid within 1sec.
You can say that when I’m in the pump I have a 8x6 flacid as long as the pressure is there.

2005-07-01 - 7,5 x 5,5 Starting 2005-09-20 - 7,7 x 5,5 goal - 8,0 x 6,3

Hello skitola. Please ask yourself WHY you are so desperately seeking fast gains. Then ask yourself what you really want more;
a) a dick that is approximately the size already got, but gives more reliable performance during the entire intercourse session with your lovely gf;
— or —
b) a slightly bigger dick that doesn’t work very well for intercourse but looks more impressive to the guys at the gym.

If you choose alternative b), just continue what you are doing but be more persistent. Follow the advice provided in this thread and throughout Thundersplace so you are not causing irreparable damage to your penis.

If you choose alternative a) you must be much more careful with your penis, more importantly your mind, and most importantly you need to understand the connection between the two. Stop thinking you are inadequate when making love with your gf, and/or stop being afraid that she thinks you are. Be confident that girls are perfectly happy with that size (or smaller/bigger for that matter) if used with love by her loved one.

It does not hurt of course to acquire some lover skills extravaganza over time, but the more you can let go of your images of “sexual performance”, being “rock hard” etc, the more you will find that the problems gradually disappear. Quit thinking about whether or not your dick is hard enough. Think about her instead, her lovely body, her soft fragrance, drown in her eyes, do what lovers do. You will have a much better experience and your body will catch on.

PE may not be good for you in that it focusses your mind on your dick, and makes you keep that focus even when you are getting intimate with your gf. PE means Penis Enhancement, for many people it also carries the implicit notion that it is not sufficiently good in its present condition - “why else does he try to make it bigger?”, the mind thinks. That kind of thinking hurts the lovemaking machinery, it literally haunts you into the bedroom if you don’t watch out. If you are able to see through this mechanism you can actively break it.

On the other hand. with the right mind-set PE can be helpful to enhance physical aspects of the penile functioning; to reinforce the hydraulic plumbing, to fine-tune the programming of autonomous sensor systems, etc. Exercises like kegels can be very effective for erection quality and endurance, very low risk of injury if any. Careful jelqing can also be helpful if you avoid high erection levels and pressure against the dorsal nerve. Edging-ballooning helps maintaining a high yet controlled level of pleasure for longer, here the risks are higher but can be controlled with careful training practices.

All this can be very helpful and fun when making love but I think you really must understand how to control your mind to begin with, IMHO.

Best of luck!

Originally Posted by skitola11
That 6.1 midshaft expansion was after I did this:
10 min risesock
15 min clamping
20 min pumping
20 min pumping
20 min pumping
20 min pumping
5 min clamping with a homemaderubbercockring that is super thight.
20 min pumping with this cockring on.

then I mesured with the cockring on and had 6,1 girth midshaft.
I was fluidbuildup and everything else you get from a massive workout.

Skit you really need to understand that pumping is a waste of time. When the fluid is reabsorbed there is no gain and that fact will remain even after years of pumping. Ask some of the long time pumpers. They don’t gain a thing. but one is for sure you better not abuse clamping or your going to blow veins.

A lack of self control and discipline to stick to a routine will only lead to penile damage. You can’t hurry tissue growth but you can distroy what you have. Better get a grip.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

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