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PE without lowering erection angle

PE without lowering erection angle

Hi guys, I’m a newbie to this. From doing a bit of searching and reading, I’ve gathered that a substantial amount of length gains come from stretching the suspensory ligaments that hold the penis up during erection, and that gains that result from this will also coincide with lower erection angles. Many guys would consider size gains a fair or favorable trade-off to lowering erection angles, or even desire to lower their angles. However, I am only interested in increasing length and girth without compromising my erection angle. A strong erection for me will easily be at 10 or higher, and I’d like to keep it that way.

What exercises can I do that will not lower my erection angle?
What can I do to maintain or increase the angle?

Any information or advice is greatly appreciated!

You don’t have to worry about it. I personally gained 1” of length from manual stretching and my erection angle hasn’t changed (it’s still about 10:00 just like before PE).

Do you stretch a certain direction? What is actually causing the gains?

Stretch or hang over-the-shoulder.

I’ve lost some erection angle, but I don’t really see that it matters. It’s purely aesthetic.
It looks like it is a harder erection when standing up, but when you stick it in you are bending it in all sorts of directions.
I personally don’t care as long as it still gets hard and isn’t pointing straight down.

So basically if I stretch upward, it will not stretch the upper ligaments which hold the penis high? I’m aware that the erection angle isn’t necessarily indicative of erection quality, but for me it’s more of a psychological thing and personal preference

Originally Posted by YoungLifter

Do you stretch a certain direction? What is actually causing the gains?

At first I stretched in all directions except BTC and later I focused mainly on straight down and BTC. If any angle affected your erection level, it would be straight down or BTC. But, as you can see, they don’t.

Also, is there a way to correct a slight penis tilt (not a curve) ?

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