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permanent gains again

permanent gains again

First of all merry x-mas to everybody and hopefully lots of gains for the new year. I have been just a bit shocked after reading about that people seem not to have permanent gains. Saw little, but nice gains after just two weeks. Had to stop for 5 days and it all were gone. Could anyone please explain me in simple words how that “cement-thing” works. Thanks!

> Could anyone please explain me in simple words how that “cement-thing” works.

I’ll try. If you stretch a rubber band out a few times, it snaps back to its original size when released. However, if it is stretched repeatedly and for long enough it becomes permanently larger.

You didn’t stretch your rubber band long enough for it to “set” at a larger size.

I never knew if u stretch a rubber band out long enough it becomes bigger permanently.

Originally posted by Python49
I never knew if u stretch a rubber band out long enough it becomes bigger permanently.

It does if you stress it past its elastic limit.
PEing basically does the same to your dick.

Ah, I was looking for this thread day and night. Finally found it. How long is “long enough”? And can we say the same thing for girth? In other words, following the rubber band example, should we apply constant pressure to penis, both length and girth-wise to make it bigger?

If then are shock treatments (Applying high intensity force in short period of time) useless?

I think the problem is you only PE’ed for 2 weeks and saw gains, then stopped for 5 days.. You answered your own question right there. For you to “cement” any gains, I think you need to PE for a while, then you should still do maintenance sessions before stopping completely which is not recommended. That’s the way I understand it.

I stopped completely for well over a year.

I lost all my modest girth gains (about 1/4 inch from memory) and about 1/8 inch in length, but kept well over 2 inches increase in length with zero maintainence.

But I did gain length very easily, so that may be a factor.

The best cemented gains I have found in PE have been in the ligs. Once I stretched them, they have stayed stretched. I used topical DMSO to work through some discomfort as I hung SD with foot perched on desk. This hyperextended the ligs and they are out of the way as far as PE. Even through decondition breaks they are stretched and don’t try to shorten!

Do you know that stretching your ligaments actually weakens it?

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